A Few Questions

<p>I'm deciding between SUNY Geneseo and Ithaca College...and I'd like some more info on Geneseo.</p>

<li><p>What's the music scene like in Geneseo? Are there a good amount of people interested in music (are there local student bands)?</p></li>
<li><p>I read in a post from 2007 that the general population of Geneseo is very generic and is mostly Abercrombie and Ugg boot-wearing. Is this still the case?</p></li>
<li><p>Anyone know what it's like to go to Geneseo as an undeclared major?</p></li>


<li>I think it depends on where you are on campus. It just so happens that there are several musicians on my own floor and we jam on occasion. Also there’s a guitar club and I’ve seen one or two bands play at the Knightspot. </li>

<p>In general there’s not a huge music scene that I know of, however we have an awesome guitar/old music store on main street and there are a lot of students who play instruments on campus. I would say that music is pretty big but you’ll have to find/go to the right places.</p>

<li><p>I do see a lot of students that fit that profile. However the campus has a very strong intercultural organization and some of the biggest/well known clubs on campus are international clubs. I also hang out with international students often. Like the music, if you go to the right places or look around a bit you can find people form many backgrounds. </p></li>
<li><p>A lot of the people I have talked to have come in undeclared, it seem like a common thing but I don’t know the actual numbers. Anyway, as far as social life and such it shouldn’t make any difference.
However I found that the undeclared students often had “undeclared” advisers. So if you found out you wanted to major in bio, you might have been advised to take gen eds instead of the required science courses. Some of these students are having to catch up after choosing their major but they’re not really behind.</p></li>