<li> first off. I have 2 teachers that I would like to use for my reccomendations. I have my AP chem teacher and my english teacher. I don't know who I should pick. Should I use the chem teacher to enforce engineering as a strength or should I use my english teacher to show that I am a well rounded engineering student as opposed to a math only kind of kid(You know how usually math minds aren't english minds). I would also assume that my English teacher would write a better (better as in structure and flow not neccesarily as in material) reccomendation because she writes all day long. So chem vs English?</li>
<p>Or since I am applying to about 8 schools should I split up the schools between the 2 teachers?</p>
<li><p>How do the reccomendations work? Do the teachers have to hand sign each one or can I make copies if need be? Do the teachers mail them or do I?</p></li>
<li><p>From what I can tell most colleges want reccomendations from someone at school like a core teacher or counselor. However, I know someone with a Phd that works in the court system... and they would write an absolutely glowing letter. So they would be an excellent rec person if possible but I pretty much can't use him can I?</p></li>
<p>Thank you for your time to answer my questions.</p>