<p>Hey lovely CCers! I have a few questions about WRIT 140, and since most of you have already beat me to that class, I'm hoping for some answers:</p>
<li>Do the names of the writing instructors come out in advance of registration, or is it really a luck-of-the-draw kind of thing?</li>
<li>How much time did you spend working on work for the class? </li>
<li>Any other advice? </li>
<p>I've heard stories about the difficulty of this class. I'm trying to think about other classes I may be able to take at the same time as my cat. VI/WRIT 140 classes so that I don't overwhelm myself with writing. </p>
<p>Thank you!</p>
<li>Luck of the draw. Good luck!</li>
<li>A good 10 hours per paper, maybe more.</li>
<li>A lot of WRIT140 teachers are very chill and try to make the class more enjoyable since the class is rather notorious at USC. Truth is, it isn’t that bad. Pick an easy GE6 to complement it and you’ll do fine.</li>
<p>Ok, so if this is an intense semester for me, should I just take some other GEs and wait until fall to do WRIT 140? </p>
<p>Thank you for your answers.</p>
<p>Hi Victoria,
How are you??? When do you register or go in for advisement on what classes to take?</p>
<p>Victoria, what classes are you taking already in the Spring?</p>
<p>It’s my opinion that it’s best to get WRIT 140 out of the way as soon as humanly possible. You should be planning on taking WRIT 340 in your junior or senior years, so delaying WRIT 140 might be problematic, especially when you begin to focus on your major coursework beginning some time in your sophomore year.</p>
<p>If you’re a capable writer (ie: English is your first language, you traditionally do well with essay assignments, you are not a slow writer…) WRIT 140 should be OK for you. It’s really the type of class where the amount of work you put in dictates how much time you spend on doing work for the class. There are 6 essays in total (I think? Can’t remember as it’s been almost 6 years…) that you need to produce working drafts for. A little bit of reading — but not much, since you’ll be expected to do a hefty bit of reading for the CAT VI GE. </p>
<p>It also really depends on the GE you pair up with WRIT 140. Mine had about two large papers (research-based) so it was a considerable amount of work. However, I’m a pretty fast writer, so I never spent too much time on any assignment.</p>
<p>The teachers for WRIT 140 are very luck-of-the-draw; I had a great WRIT 140 teacher, but many of my friends did not. It’s really a game of chance. </p>
<p>Let me know what classes you’re thinking of taking and I can possibly get a better idea of whether or not WRIT 140 would be too much. If you don’t take it in the spring, though, you WILL need to take it in the Fall of 2012. Think ahead to what your schedule in the fall might look like and see if knocking our WRIT 140 now is the smarter option. (Think of it this way: All your essay writing skills are probably still fresh in your head from high school!)</p>
<p>I hate when loose ends don’t get tied up, so I wanted to throw out there that I AM taking WRIT 140 this coming spring. I think I’ll wind up in 18 units (which is something I really don’t want), but we’ll see for sure.</p>