<p>Hi! Before I even begin, I want to say that a lot of what I say in this post is going to sound like bragging, and I'm really not trying to. I hate listing my achievements or calling myself "smart" because I think it makes me sound so concieted. Anyway...</p>
<p>I am a brand-new highschooler, and while I love it (my teachers and classes are really cool!), I have a bunch of questions/concerns. My main one is that since I had a lot of problems with my schedule, culminating in an unbearably hard public speaking class which I dropped, so now I ended up with a year plus a semester of study hall, since there aren't any more semester classes and it's too late to transfer into a year class. Now, however, I am feeling like I am slacking off too much and not taking the most rigorous classes/schedule possible. As it stands now, I already have five credits (from middle school) and this year I'm taking algebra 2/trig, AP Latin Virgil, biology, US history (which isn't technically an AP course but which you can take the AP exam for and get the extra GPA credit), english, photography (a semester course), and PE. I am also in the IB Program (technically MYP right now), so all my classes are IB. I am also a straight-A student, and have always been. I feel like this isn't enough, but at the same time I kind of need the study hall time because as of now (without all the clubs even being offered yet) I am in:
SCA Senate (like homeroom reps) and applying to Exec. Council
running for Freshman Class President
on the swim team
on the debate team
on the Academic Challenge team
writing for my local newspaper
on the teen council at my library
volunteering at my local aquarium
I also hope to do much more in my school, testing the waters per se in all of these new clubs (my middle school was very small and we had few clubs). What do you guys think? Am I not taking enough classes? Any suggestions for good classes to take in later years?</p>
<p>Also, the PSAT/SAT. I took the ACT in eighth grade as part of a Johns Hopkins talent search and got a 32 overall with a perfect score on reading. I would like to take the SAT now, if only just to see what I could get, but I have been told whatever score you get on it, no matter what grade, goes on your transcript and I don't want a bad score on there. Would taking the PSATs be better? Should I take either/both?</p>
<p>Please don't misunderstand me. I love school and all my clubs/teams and in no way am I taking the classes or clubs that I am to "get in to a good college." I am very motivated and competitive, and I would love to get into a great college and do the best that I can do in school. However, I'm not going to base my life around college or anything, and one of my top colleges (UVA), while a great school, is not an Ivy League. You can advise me as if my only goal was to get in to Harvard; however, please do not judge me on my obsssiveness. Thanks!</p>