A-G courses

I wanted to know if classes such as studio broadcast productions, and computer graphics count as ‘f’ courses and do they go to my UC or CSU gpa

No, the F requirement typically involves 1 full year of one of these Arts: Dance, Music, Theater, Visual Arts. If you take the AP Art History course, you can use that to satisfy the requirements. Yes, it is a graded yearlong course and is included in your GPA.


@AuntieMame so I went on the university of california page and my studio broadcast page is under the ‘g’ requirement, and ive taken this class 3 times. Will this be counted into my gpa? also I am currently taking art 1 so I think this will satisfy the requirement. Another question I have is UC approved ag classes are the same for CSUs. Thank you for your help!

Are you not a California resident?
You should be asking your GC about your requirements for the UC’s.
Requirement G is usually a full year course in one of the other a-f requirements or an additional requirement that covers another high school course. http://www.ucop.edu/agguide/a-g-requirements/

Open the links and read the requirements. If you don’t understand the requirements, ask your GC.

@“aunt bea” I did ask my counselor and she didnt highlight studio as a UC counted class, but when I looked up my school and the ag requirements on the University of California page studio broadcast was under the ‘g’ requirement, studio 1-3. So I don’t know who is right on this one, because this is the official UC page with my high school’s ag counted courses. I am a california resident btw

You can always send an email to the admissions office.

Did you use this link to look up your a-g courses? If they listed there, you should be fine.


@Gumbymom Yes! that is the exact website where I found my school and the courses. I am confused because a while ago when talked with my counselor she did not count ‘studio broadcast productions’ as an ag course but when I looked at the list it was on there.

The a-g course list is updated each year, so you might want to verify with counselor again and to show her the website stating that indeed these courses are listed as a-g approved.

@Gumbymom Thanks! this just made my day because I had 3 As in my 3 studio classes