A-G matching with college class taken for CSU application

I am worried because my A-G for language is showing only .5 years, but I have taken two college classes (equivalent of 4 high school years). How do I ‘match’ college classes taken with my high school A-G requirements?

Did you enter the courses under the College coursework section of the application?

If you took 2 FL College courses, do they fall under the C2 Category, Language other than English and 1 semester is equal to 2 years FL?

See Link for the descriptions of the FL options: https://www.calstate.edu/attend/counselor-resources/Documents/college-dual-enrollment-coursework-guidance.pdf

Make sure you followed the college course work entry steps correctly starting on page 28: https://www.calstate.edu/apply/freshman/Documents/freshman-application-guide-23-24.pdf

Also note on the A-G matching section for College courses (DE), one semester will be counted as 1 year. See page 34 of the guide.

This is what the CSU’s state about college courses for foreign language:

One year (two semesters or three quarters) of college-level coursework is considered equivalent to two years of high school study.

I do not see where you got the idea that 2 college courses = 4 years.

If they were taken at a California community college, you can look up that college’s courses at University of California A-G Course List . For most foreign language at most California community colleges, 1st semester college = 2nd year high school, 2nd semester college = 3rd year high school, and 3rd semester college = 4th year high school, for CSU/UC a-g purposes.

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On the application, on the a-g matching page there’s a link at the bottom to update a-g matching. You can assign the correct category to your college classes there.

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