A Good Fit?


I was accepted into the class of 2019 and am very conflicted about whether or not the school would be a good fit. I was looking at the Facebook page for accepted students and it seems like the majority of people that posted were athletic and outdoorsy. I guess I’m afraid I won’t fit in, as I am neither athletic nor outdoorsy. I guess one could say I’m a little bit of a couch potato. CC caught my eye because of the rigor of the classes, especially on the block plan.

So anyway, I just have a few questions:
What are the students at CC like?
How do people spend their free time?
What kind of people will thrive with the block plan?
Does the school have a good chemistry program?
Is CC’s financial aid packet good for the four years as long as my parents’ income stay the same? (I ask because their offer seems almost too good to be true and have heard that some schools reduce aid significantly in the following years.)
What’s campus life like?
Would CC be a good fit for someone who isn’t really into the outdoors and would much rather stay inside reading or sleeping?
How does a school like CC compare to a school like the University of Southern California?

I plan on visiting this weekend to see what it’s like. I really hope I like it. I was really excited when I was accepted! I hope you guys can answer my questions. I really appreciate it! Thanks!

I’m glad you get to visit. You will notice a strong outdoorsy feel at CC but hopefully you will also feel a strong sense of acceptance and freedom to be yourself even if that doesn’t involve athletics, hiking and skiing. The block plan is immersive and provides much opportunity for off campus studies. I do think CC will have quite a different vibe from USC simply because it is a small LAC in Colorado.

By this time, you’ve probably made your choice - I hope you were not deterred by the CC Facebook page - It can be overwhelming to other students that outdoorsy kids tend to be very vocal about their adventures all the time…I am guilty as charged - but in my time there, I have met plenty of people that were not outdoors-inclined…I would say that CC is probably very different from USC! CC is truly a small, liberal arts school - Walking around campus, I know at least a handful of people each time I go somewhere - Classes are capped at 32 usually - and most of mine have had 15 or less students…
Out of curiosity, did you choose CC?