<p>You’re on the executive board of a club along with three other students and a slightly overpowering adviser. There’s a decision to be made, and while you know what the adviser wants to hear, you feel strongly otherwise. What do you do? Do you agree and take your little biscuit and pat on your head or do you disagree and make your opposition be known? Doing the later will likely come to no avail but it could. </p>
<p>Its hypothetical, but I’m curious to see what other Bowdoin applicants would do in this kind of situation. I think it says something about a person.</p>
<p>this reminds me of the question that has often come up in war tribunals and whatnot. </p>
<p>Do you have to go something that you know is morally wrong because it is an order from someone higher in command?</p>
<p>this is a tough question to answer. </p>
<p>but for me...I am pretty outspoken about my ideas. I would say how I felt, and really urge the person other people to at least consider what I was saying. I would of course take into consideration what they are saying and I would hope they would do the same for me. Then based off of this, hopefully we could arrange to have a compromise in which both sides benefit. so that 1+1=3 (you get more with both ideas than just the 1)</p>