A letter to you Yalies, from a Stanford SCEA'r

<p>Well, like the majority of Stanford applications, I was also a victim of the Stanford Slaughter. And you know what? I'm okay. I thought I'd be in hysterics right now; Stanford is all I wanted and I was obsessed over it as much as all of you Yale SCEA'rs are about Yale. So i just wanted to let you all know, although right now it seems like Yale (Stanford) is the be all,end all, its not! There's so many AMAZING college applicants this year, and we all WILL get into a good school. Just maybe not the one we planned on. So don't let your blood pressure get too high in the coming days ;)</p>


<p>you know, that was probably the most comforting post yet. hearing from someone who was just deferred/rejected who actually sounds sane is much better than hearing from someone who has experienced this a while ago. thanks so much!</p>

<p>thank you <3</p>

<p>that was really uplifting :]
good luck with the rest of your colleges!</p>

<p>I appreciate the kind message.</p>

<p>but still, I’ll be destroyed when I’m rejected</p>

<p>I chose to apply to Yale over Stanford at the last moment… I hope it was the best decision of my life…</p>

<p>Hey, I’m sorry things didn’t work out with you and Stanford, but it’s really heartening to see someone who was so set on going to their dream school end up feeling alright about it.</p>

<p>Hopefully I can be the same way if my Yale decision isn’t what I was hoping for.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting!</p>

<p>Hey, I’m also from the Stanford board and got rejected :. I saw a lot of you Yalers posting condolences on our boards, and I’d just like to say thanks. It was a slaughter, but life continues. In 10 year’s we’ll probably all be laughing at how much we obsessed over this. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone on Monday!</p>

<p>I’m so sorry about your rejections, bubbrubb and dococtopi. Stanford would have been my second choice to Yale. I hope you guys get into your second choice, whereever it is.
Your optimism inspires me… hopefully I won’t be TOO devastated when/if I get rejected. :)</p>

<p>Thanks bubbrubb. Though I don’t want to be in your shoes come Monday, I figure I probably will be, and it’s nice to have some comfort as to the fact that my life will still obviously go on. I hope I can be as calm, collected, and sane as you!</p>

<p>Good luck guys. I too was a stanford victim. </p>

<p>We’ll all pull through this :)</p>

<p>Thanks but still freaking out lol</p>

<p>Thanks bubbrubb and all of the rest in mourning. My condolences go out to all of you.</p>

<p>It’s not going to be pretty Monday. There will be few survivors, but everyone has fought valiantly, so the final decision will not be as important as this whole experience. </p>

<p>Life sucks, we all have to get used to it.</p>

<p>“Life sucks, we all have to get used to it.”</p>

<p>Yeah, I know that already. At least a rejection letter couldn’t make things much worse lol.</p>

<p>bubbrub, you’re great. these threads are why i love CC.</p>

<p>cheers mate :)</p>

<p>i just got rejected from columbia and i know exactly what you guys are going through. if you don’t get in, yes it WILL suck. but don’t let yourself get mad at them and ask why you didn’t get in. because honestly you will never know. all you can do is keep your chin up and carry on. you’ll end up at another kick ass school. maybe yale just wasn’t for you. cuz it’s not for everyone. just keep in mind, everything happens for a reason, even though you may not know what that reason is yet. but one day, you will.</p>

<p>“everything happens for a reason, even though you may not know what that reason is yet. but one day, you will.”</p>

<p>No. Losers say that. Winners go home and **** the prom queen. (aka Yale)</p>

<p>I thought I wouldn’t care and that I was mentally prepared for a deferral/rejection weeks ago, but after seeing the Stanford forum my stomach is turning. =[</p>

<p>After this application nukage, Yale and Stanford rejects are gonna be like siblings ;)</p>

<p>Nick017 - D was Prom Queen (and valedictorian) </p>

<p>Anyhow, what a clear headed thread. Monday will be tough but I am pleased that D is prepared for whatever happens. To keep calm, progress on the other applications has continued for the past 6 weeks and the last of 10 applications will be submitted BEFORE Monday. This way, Monday is going to be cause for celebration regardless of Yale’s decision.</p>