<p>I just got back my SAT scores and I did not do well at all. With a 1980 combined score i got a 710-writing, 620-reading comp and 650 math.
I want to get into SUNY Stony Brook Honors College but they require a combined score of 1300 on math and reading comp.</p>
<p>The problem lies in the fact that I am utterly confused right now on what I should do. I have yet to take any SAT II's and I was planning on doing so in June. However, with these horrible scores I'm thinking of either retaking the SAT I in june or dropping the SAT completely and taking the ACT. </p>
<p>I've never taken a practice ACT test before so I'm not sure I will do well. If I don't take my SAT II's in June, I may take them next year in October or I could take my SAT I using late registration in May. </p>
<p>Please give me some advice as to when I should do my testing D:</p>
<p>do you think it possible you can get ready for the may sat I so you can still do sat II’s in june?</p>
<p>I have 3 ap’s in may to take so i cant really do anything in may 
Too much pressure during that time period</p>
<p>Well if I were you I would do a little searching around for a good SAT tutor and/or college counselor. Just because scores are bad the first time doesn’t mean they can’t improve. If you feel overloaded right now, hold off on the SAT’s if you don’t absolutely have to take them this June. Focus on your AP’s and finals (remember your grades are just as important on a college application as your test scores!) and find the time to study and brush up on some of the things you missed the first time you took the test. Don’t say you can’t do it, because you haven’t really tried improving. And if you work hard and still don’t get the results you want, then the ACT is always an option :)</p>
<p>Thanks so much for your advice 
I think I’m gonna try out the ACT’s in june and then see how I do before deciding what test to take next year to finish up my standardized testing :)</p>
<p>You can still take the SAT in October for early decision/action, November and December if you apply RD. How about wait until the fall to take the SAT again so that meanwhile you have the time to focus on your other tests (SATIIs, APs, grades)? That’s what I did last year and it worked out great - you’ll have about four, five months to prepare for the SAT after all the AP exams are over and throughout the summer.</p>