A little early but...

<p>I interested in possibly attending Virginia Tech for an engineering major and would like to see what my chances would be and if I should improve anything. I'm a junior right now and haven't taken my SAT's yet, but I have taken the PSAT's.
-Overall PSAT Score was a 184, 480 M, 630 CR, 730 W. I know this isn't as definitive as the actual SAT and I am working on improving the math to at least a 650. I had a major brainfart and wasn't in the math mindset that day so I completely bombed it.
-4.0 UW GPA
-Taking the most rigorous classes possible at my school with the exception of Spanish III because I had a bad foundation in Spanish. My school is relatively small and only offers 3 AP classes, and one of which, AP Biology, is unavailable to me because I already took regular biology at the school I was at prior to this. Next month I will be completing Intro to Engineering, Health(required), Algebra II, and Precalculus/Trig. I will then be starting my other 4 classes which are Pre-AP English, Pre-AP US History, Honors Chemistry, and Technology Careers(it's a grad project that my school also requires.) Also, the Pre-AP Classes are required in order to take the AP classes in senior year.
-My weakest area is definitely my extracurriculars, I basically have none as of now. I am in NHS but besides that I do no volunteering and am in no clubs or anything. I am hoping to join one or two clubs next semester but I feel that only having 2 clubs and NHS won't be enough.
-1st Generation
-Also will be taking Calculus and Physics at my local community college this summer.
My SAT math and extracurriculars are obviously the two main things that would currently hold me back but hopefully if I can bring up my math to something in the high 600's and join a few clubs, VT will be within reach. Thank you for any input!</p>

<p>IMO get your math up (650+) and you're almost easily in, vt doesn't look at your writing section. ECs don't matter to VT as much as SAT, gpa, and course selection so bring that math up and you're good.</p>

<p>Wow ok thanks a lot!</p>

<p>The Math SAT is way too low...TECH is the key word and Engineering is alot of math and science.</p>

<p>Otherwise get some ECs in, volunteer at the local soup kitchen, habitat for humanities, tutor, etc.</p>

<p>Remember it is about the whole resume. Having a great GPA is one thing, but they want to see the great GPA while you juggle other things. Many colleges will accept the lower GPA, SAT when they have sports, and ECs because they see that you can handle school and other things. Gone are the days of just being book smart...not to be rude, but the reason why is these are the kids that when they finally come to college they don't know how to execute time mgmt.</p>

<p>Look through acceptance threads, there are kids scratching their heads wondering how the person with the lower academics got in...typically it is because they were the President of a club, volunteered multiple places, played a sport and still maintained strong grades.</p>