A little help understanding why? TCU

<p>Okay, so this is my first post on the forum, possibly to relieve some frustration, but mostly to see what other people have to say. Don't judge my academic worth from the quality of my writing/grammar right now, as I'm typing on a broken Iphone Ill start with my credentials.
I'm from Minnesota, I am top 15% of my graduating class. I have a 3.96 GPA. I scored a 30 on the ACT. Extracurriculars are nice and beefy ( student council, 3 varsity sports, math team, etc). Undecided/biology major.
I'm no Shakespeare but I could put together a solid essay for my applications....
I take our schools advanced IB courses in that we don't offer AP.
Recently I received my admissions decisions from many colleges and for the small less challenging schools was very pleased. I did get four peculiar white envelopes from colleges where I felt qualified (if not possibly overqualified!!) The colleges were Wake Forest U, Colorado college, Boston college, and Texas Christian University. Wait list.
The school I'm writing mostly about is TCU. Looking at average scores and whatnot, I seem to be a great candidate for admission there! Does anybody have any insight as to why a fellow like myself would not be swept into the admitted pool at TCU? The composite in my book from 2013 says 24-29</p>

<p>I have no idea unless you applied late or something? My child had a 27 ACT and got in. Her GPA was 4.3 weighted but still I know lots of kids who have gotten in with less.</p>

<p>As they all say it is not “you”. College admission is very subjective and a shot in the dark. My son was accepted but did not get a penny in merit scholarship. Considering we are in the Northeast, he has to decline for financial reasons. I am sure there is a school for you in your list that accepted you for you and has given you a good deal. Go with it and make the best of it.</p>

<p>Acefroman, I would call your regional admissions officer and chat with him/her. Here are a few factors that may have had an impact:</p>

<li><p>TCU lost its Admissions Director to SMU last year. The department is not as organized as it could be. It could be a mistake.</p></li>
<li><p>They accept students in a rolling basis so if you applied late, it could have an impact.</p></li>
<li><p>They are one of the country’s few small-medium private schools that offers a tight community with school spirit and big sports. Others include Notre Dame and U Miami. They have sooooo many applications these days.</p></li>

<p>But given your stats, it sounds like it might be a mistake. I would appeal if I were you. Definitely make a call.</p>