<p>I'm a bit torn.</p>
<p>I got into Summer Ventures in Science an Mathematics (it's a North Carolina thing) which actually looks quite interesting as a 4 week residential program with emphasis on math/science/technology/research (<---- that last one looks very appealing because they garuntee you research opportunities, the program I was accepted into concerning biology/medicine). It's great and all and I"m glad I got in but... </p>
<p>I got into TASS as well. This I couldn't believe at first but it dawned on me quickly that there'd be no way for me to attend both programs. The seminar this time around (I got into IU) would be concerning "Health and Illness in the African American Community: Social and Neurobiological Perspectives" which doesn't stray all too far from my interests but it doesn't particularly focus on them either, from what I can tell. Howver I'm very wary about giving up the experience that TASS is as well as the fact that TASS is quite a bit more renowned. And there's the fact that I'm not entirely overlooking how this will look to colleges and Telluride has mad a name for itself.</p>
<p>I've also applied to CLAE (Carleton Liberal Arts Experience) and haven't heard back yet, but it's not that big of a deal as I think TASS/SVSM rank higher than CLAE in my book (if nothings else, then because it's only a week long while the other two are at least a month).</p>
<p>Sooo... where do I turn?</p>
<p>Go. to. TASS.
Your Telluride experience will change your life in ways you cannot even fathom, regardless of your seminar topic.</p>
<p>If I were choosing between TASP and another program I’d take TASP up in a heartbeat but I’ve been under the impression TASS has a significantly different feel than TASP.</p>
<p>And I got into the IU one rather the U Mich though I’m not sure if it matters.</p>
<p>So, is it really that much of a no-brainer? I’d be overjoyed to attend either one so I’m glad I got in to both and have the choice, but is TASS (or perhaps I should say “is Telluride”) such an experience that I’d have to go for it given the chance? The odds of my getting into TASP are slim (though I do plan on applying next year) so I should this be my “TASP-lite” in the likely case that I won’t find anything better?</p>
<p>I really didn’t mean to come across degrading TASS in anyway. I’m stunned and overjoyed that I got in, I’m just not sure how the program actually is because of the minimal exposure CC has on TASS which is completely overshadowed by the fanaticism summoned by TASP.</p>
<p>Moodragonx, I would go to TASS. I was almost not going myself because I would arrive late to the new residential school I’m going to next year. but I thinkthat TASS will be a great expirence and will help you more in the long run than almost any other program. I talked to mny interviewers about the benifits of doing a Telluride program, and they said that most kids, after doing the program, are a year to two years ahead in reading, writing, course work, and social skills. </p>
<p>I definitly recommend going.</p>
<p>What year are you? I thought TASS was for rising seniors and CLAE was for rising juniors…? But maybe I’m wrong…</p>
<p>TASS is for the summer between Sophomore —Summer-- Junior years
Telluride also has another program which is more renowned known as TASP between Junior —Summer-- Senior years
CLAE seems to be exclusively for rising juniors (summer between sophomore and Junior Year)</p>
<p>So I suppose the consensus is for Tass? at least so far. I dunno SVSM gets no exposure outside of NC (which makes sense) but it is a decent program which matches my interests in science and I like the idea of being able to do research as I was planning on doing research over the summer and opted to rather do a summer program but if I could do both I think it would be awesome.</p>
<p>Got it. I was confusing TASS with TASP. I’ve heard great things about CLAE, but unfortunately did not learn of it till my junior year.</p>
<p>Trying to be, we are, Yoda.</p>
<p>I vote for TASS. D went to TASS and had to give up a research spot to do so…she does not regret it. She was at Michigan and spent a fair amt of time with TASPers as well. While there she spoke with the head of TASS as well as TASP when they visited the campus. She keeps in touch with tassers, taspers and factota from all three seminars. She says that the only real difference is that the tass seminars are supposed to be at undergrad level and the tasp at grad level. The tassers got more help with writing…it was supposed to be a given for taspers.</p>
<p>She said that there were other differences…socially. She thought both programs had their merits but the tassers were a lot of fun! (But the programs were substantially the same.) Looking back, she wouldn’t have given up the opportunity for anything…not only because the academic opportunity/growth was fantastic, but the whole summer was life changing for her. (And she is a kid that has done a lot of different things and is not easily impressed.)</p>
<p>Anyway, you can do research next summer. It sounds like the seminar at Indiana is a good topic for you. I hear that the Indiana campus is really nice. Don’t miss out! (Of course if research is your only passion, then you will have a more difficult choice.)</p>
<p>Good luck with your decision!</p>
<p>Definitely not my only passion… I’ve never tried it first hand and was pretty anxious to jump into it but yes I do suppose Tass is too big to pass up. I can always do research during the schoolyear.</p>
<p>So by far everyone is telling me to go to TASS. I don’t see any reason why I should assume you’re all wrong
so I guess I have no choice but to go for it.</p>
<p>Here’s the awkward part: Summer Ventures wanted a response by April 30th or my spot would disappear to someone on the waitlist. Seeing as I thought it would be a cold day in hell before TASS accepted me (on an interesting side note I’ve heard there are biblical stories that involve hell in being a dark desolate cold place rather than the accepted image of flaming pyres and screaming damned souls), I went ahead and said yes joking that IF Tass accepted me and IF I decided to go I could call them up and just say “oops”. It wasn’t legally binding and there was no security deposit (as both programs are free) so no particular issues there. But… how should I go about it? Saying “no” to SVSM that is, and going back on my word?</p>
<p>Gah. I feel horrible about this. This was probably a big reason I was ify about TASS as well.</p>
<p>I see on their site that they have an alternate list (just as Telluride and any selective program would). Someone will feel very lucky when you give up a spot and it is only May 1st! Our D has always sent a polite email…something like you were really excited about their program but a conflict has come up. If you are sad to have to pass on the program and/or hope to apply again next summer, say so. I would not go into any more details. I’m sure this happens with some admits every summer. </p>
<p>You only have one sophomore summer…do what’s best for you and don’t feel guilty about it! I think Telluride will help open doors for you on down the road and you will be likely to have even more choices next year.</p>
<p>Congratulations on getting into two great programs and having such a tough choice! Many others were not so fortunate.</p>
<p>My choice would definitely be TASS, since if I remember right, all TASSers automatically make it to their TASP interviews, which honestly will up your chances in getting in. </p>
<p>Plus, giving up your spot for another summer program allows another kid, who was waitlisted, to get a spot.</p>
<p>Alright then I’ll give the e-mail a shot. The irony is I received word from TASS on the same day (April 29th) that I sent in my commitment form. I called back the post office but they wouldn’t release the letter back to me, or rather I called over the phone and they wouldn’t sort through the pile to find it and dispose of it so it’s on the way. Oh well.</p>
<p>So an e-mail should suffice? I do have the e-mail of the person coordinating the program so I could contact him with my regrets.</p>
<p>I don’t mean to be melodramatic about the decision. It’s not like I’m trying to pick the lesser of two evils but rather the greater of two goods. Either place I go I’d have tons of fun so I’m not that saddened about missing out on a program. But I do think I’m going for TASS especially if there’s anything about preferential treatment during admonitions for TASP (which I had never heard of up until this point, I assumed the two programs were kept quite separate).</p>
<p>Oh and Torcher, I’m glad you picked up on that.</p>
<p>I went to CLAE! It was pretty fun, but I think you’ll totally love TASS a whole lot more. A lot longer, less people=more fun! Unless you really want to go to Carleton. CLAE will get you there and inundate you with awesome little flyers from Carleton! Haha.</p>
<p>If anyone has any questions about that PM me.</p>
<p>I also live in north carolina, and although from what I hear svsm is a good program, but TASS is much more prestigious and you’ll get more out of it</p>
It was actually thanks to your recommending CLAE that I applied. Haveb’t heard back yet but I do suppose TASS will be more fun/rewarding?</p>
<p>I’m getting mixed responses from teachers/counselors but I think I’ve heard mostly more yays than nays for TASS so I’m still leaning more towards them.</p>
<p>Should I give SVSM a call to confirm my reply?</p>
<p>Great! I remember last year I received my decision around May 11th. They probably haven’t mailed 'em out yet, but I’d say TASS would be a better experience if it’s something you’re interested in. I wanted more of the LAC experience so I went for that. But I say TASS definitely.</p>