A&M CS Spring 2016 admission chances

I’m planning to apply to Texas A&M next month as a transfer from a local community college. I’m planning to attend their Computer Science program to pursue a bachelors in CS. I have 9 years work experience, I’m a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, and have a 3.8 GPA with 49 credits thus far. What are my chances of getting in? I don’t have any volunteer experience, however I am a math tutor in between my job and school. Thanks guys!

It looks like CS requires a 3.0 so as long as you have the right courses, you have done what you can. Looks like CS encourages you to write a good essay, so make sure you do a good job with that. I think the only factor out of your control is how much space they have. I would think someone with 9 years of work experience and your grades would have an excellent chance.


I have Engineering math 1&2 complete (Cal 1 and 2). I don’t have any science courses yet, but I doubt physics/biology are going to be much of an issue given my background in Math. Thanks for the info!

You need to get that physics course done this fall or in the spring and if you do fine you probably won’t have a problem getting in. I know it says “recommended” coursework but in all honesty it’s pretty much required. You’re way more competitive when applying to your major if you have those courses completed or in progress when you apply.

Do you think I could get away with taking Physics at Texas A&M assuming I get accepted? I would just put physics on my app to be taken in the Spring. I’ll definitely do it in the Spring. I work full time right now, and I won’t be working come January.

You might but why take a chance?

Which track are you doing? I am now enrolled in the Fall and physics is not required for the CS major. For the computer engineering CS track it is required. http://admissions.tamu.edu/pdfs-transfer2015/ENG-computersci.aspx

I’m doing just the basic Computer Science track for now. I’ll go ahead and apply next month and see what happens. I’m most likely going to be attending Texas State since I own a home near Austin (it’d be hard to move to College Station). I’d really like to hang my hat on getting accepted to A&M though :slight_smile:

If you visit the link I provided you will see physics is not required. Although you must have taken approved science courses A or B(I believe physics chemistry OR bio) and then two extra. Example: I chose Chem one and two, then geology. I do not intend on taking University physics. You pick from the list of approved science courses.