A&M Dorm Advice?


<p>I have just completed applying to Texas A&M in College Station. Now that I have all that settled, I have been stressing like crazy over dorms since I will have to live on campus. I plan to apply for housing as soon as I get accepted (I apply for automatic admission), but am I going to be early enough to get the dorm of my choice? I would really, really like to get a private room (the suite-style ones), so I was planning making my three choices each of the FHK Complex dorms and/or Schuhmacher. Could anyone tell me my chances of getting into one of these? Do the single dorms fill up faster? And it would be awesome if someone could also give me a general review of these rooms. </p>

<p>And one more thing: if my chances of getting a single dorm is low, which other dorms should I apply for? I can't decide whether the Commons or one of the modular-style dorms would be better. </p>

<p>I'd accept ANY general dorm advice. I'm not into partying or alcohol in the slightest so a quieter place for studying would be nice. </p>

<p>Thanks so much if you read all this!! Any input would be super appreciated!!</p>

<p>My D is living in a 2 room suite in hullabaloo hall, and she loves it. This year 70-75% of that dorm is freshmen. Apply for housing as early as possible and you’ll probably be okay. Her second choice was modular. They’re roomy.</p>

<p>I will look into that! Thank you!</p>

<p>Cromette- I just got accepted into A&M yesterday and am taking everyone’s advice and applying for housing right away! (Such an exciting time!) I love Hullabaloo Hall, and their two-room suite is my top choice dorm. Like your D, I also like the modulars and am choosing that as my second preference. </p>

<p>From what I understand, I have to mark the “Room over roommate” option in order to ensure that I get into Hullabaloo. Does marking that option mean that I will not be able to be matched with a roommate of similar preferences? (Such as no smoking, tidy room, etc.) </p>

<p>What room/roommate option did your D select? Also, how has her experience been at Hullaballoo, so far? Likes/dislikes would be helpful!</p>

<p>“Does marking that option mean that I will not be able to be matched with a roommate of similar preferences? (Such as no smoking, tidy room, etc.)”</p>

<p>Not sure. I think, in general, the pickier you get about a roommate, the more difficult, or at least cumbersome, it is to get in the dorm of your choice.</p>

<p>D3 picked room over roommate. Since you have a door on your on bedroom in a 2 room suite, it becomes less crucial that your roommate meet all your particular criteria. She loves it and has no complaints at all. Her roommate and she are friendly and have a really good relationship, but they don’t really pal around outside of the room. They each have their own activities and own set of friends.</p>

<p>Nothing, not even roommate matching, guarantees that you’re going to have a great roommate that will be your future buddy and you’ll always get along and not offend each other.</p>

<p>My other D is attending another university as a junior. The first year she hoped she and her roommate would be friends, but they were NOT. Her roommate only acknowledged her with grunts, spent a lot of nights away, but was not overtly rude and was tidy. Her second year roommate was very friendly, and they got along okay, but were not best buds, and her roommate was a little annoying and had some quirks that made it difficult for D. Now she’s in an apartment with two girls who are already her friend, and friends with her BF. They each have their own room and it seems to be working out great.</p>

<p>It was my understanding that there is no roommate ‘matching’, it is totally random. The next person who asked to be in that dorm is filled into your other bed, in application order. Our experience, neither of mine had ‘best friend’ roommates. They were respectful of each other and polite. They did some things together, but were certainly not matched with respect to tidy room, sleeping preferences, etc. This university tends to attract polite, respectful students so it isn’t a huge problem.</p>

<p>My D is a sophomore in Hullabaloo Hall. She picked the dorm, her room preference (2 room suite) and they gave her the roommate she asked for. I guess she got lucky.</p>

<p>wemel, they probably just did everything right. If they both apply early, they both pick roommate as the preference, they each name the other the chosen roommate, they both pick first second and third choices identical</p>

<p>…it seems to work like magic. Miss one component and it may all go down the tubes. LOL.</p>

<p>One important item to keep in mind when deciding on ‘room’ vs ‘roommate’. If you chose roommate, your priority preference date wil be based on when the last person is accepted into A&M. So if you are accepted early, and your roommate choice is accepted much later, your priority will fall based on when the last roommate choice is accepted at the school. </p>

<p>So if dorm is more important to you than roommate, and you are accepted early, it is best not to tie yourself to a specific person. I went potluck my freshman year and then switched the spring semester to live with someone I had met and become good friends with.</p>

<p>If my son applied for housing in Nov, would he have a high chance of getting in the Hullabaloo dorm? He does not want to share a room with someone, He’s ok sharing a bathroom. thanks</p>

<p>My son’s housing date is around September 1. The roommate he has selected has a housing date of late November I think.</p>

<p>What are the odds they could get into Hobby, Neely or Hullabaloo? @cromette & @AGmomx2 seem up on this subject!</p>

<p>Hullabaloo is currently most popular, then modulars & Commons ( price is a direct reflection of popularity now- it didn’t use to be that way). When the application deadline was in January, the modulars (pre-hullabaloo) were available up to the first part of January - not necessarily the modular you asked for, but a modular. Maybe someone knows from last Fall when Hullabaloo filled up? It opened last fall. </p>

<p>I have lived in Hullabaloo and the commons, I liked the commons better.</p>

<p>@asianandproud - Can you provide information about what you liked better? What you liked and didn’t like about each?</p>