A&M transfer fall 2015

Hey y’all, all of my documents have been processed as of Friday January 16, 2015, so now I’m just wondering about how long will it take to hear a decision.
Thanks in advance

If you have met all the requirements such as the 24 transferable graded hours. You should be hearing very soon. If you have hours to be completed yet they may defer your decision until the hours are completed and grades sent over to them. Which is what happened to my daughter and she heard by June 5, 2014 of her acceptance for fall 2014.

I have my hours but I’m currently enrolled in 3 “required” courses and I’ll have one more required course than necessary (I was required 3 sciences and 2 maths, currently I have 2 sciences and no maths so I’m working on those). Seeing that I may not hear until June makes me extremely nervous about finding housing. @Cmsparent, does your daughter live off campus? If so, how hard was it to find housing that late?

We secured roommates and housing in February as she already knew the girls she wanted to room with. If you are not accepted some of the apartment complexes just have you submit your deniel letter and you would no longer be liable for the lease. However, if you are accepted then you will be tied into your lease. But double check with the complexes you look at. We were also able to get into an early NSC to obtain her classes needed with no major issues. We were very proactive and had everything ready to go when we recieved her acceptance and acted fast. We talked and kept in very close contact to the Liberal Arts College advisors.

It could be anywhere from mid February to late June, depending on the major and whether or not they want to see your spring grades. Usually the longer you wait the better your chances are if you are on the edge.

I transfered in this spring and I heard back in mid November and was able to find good off campus housing before Dec. The better places do fill up quick, I would recommend putting a deposit down if you are pretty certain that is the route you want to take. Best of luck to you!

I got my acceptance letter today! I applied for the summer 2015

Ambreium2016 …do you mind sharing your stats?

I applied as a transfer with 44 credits from Blinn, 3.3 GPA college of liberal arts & as of right now my major is philosophy which I might change after a few semesters
I really tried on my essay and believe that really helped me. I applied Jan. 3 and got my acceptance letter feb.10

@Mcgoo2015‌ have you heard anything yet?

I got a letter that I should send in my spring transcripts at the end of the semester and be re-reviewed. I’ve been told it’s about as good as an acceptance letter. Wondering if I should start getting serious about housing and stuff.

@sb2014. If you can maintain your current GPA and pass those required classes to make up the 24 graded hours towards your major that they are wanting. I say yes go secure your housing. Make sure the complex you decide on will let you out of the lease if by chance you do not get into A&M. Be ready to act fast when you current school year ends. When you grades are released make sure your current college gets those transcripts sent ASAP. It was a matter of like 7-10 working days from the day her school sent her spring grades over and when she got her acceptance. As soon as she got her acceptance we signed up for her NSC. She was college of Liberal Arts.

@sb2014. Sorry when I refer to her in my post, I meant my daughter. Sorry

Lone Star Community College

  • CGPA 4.0
  • 41 Hours completed–all Chem, physics and maths courses completed. 12 credits in progress
    Dwight Look College of Engineering
  • 1st choice Petroelum Engineering
  • 2nd choice Aerospace Engineering

Should I be worried? I really can’t wait now and I am starting to over think.

I got into Spring 2015 for Nuclear, but I decided not to go as I could apply to different universities and have more choices.

Hey Dayeed, this is Kyle from physics and calc 3 last semester. With your stats I highly doubt they will reject you from either major since you have everything completed. Taking statics and diff eq will certainly help to put you into most junior level classes and my advisor in civil was able to get every class transferred for my except for my engr 111 substitute were still working on trying to get transferred. My advisor also told me that taking diff eq showed a lot of drive since most transfers don’t have it and that helped in the decision making process.

I know all departments have been busy the last few weeks just due to all the freshman getting admitted or rejected into their desired majors but they have still been reviewing transfers. They told me last week that it could be any tues. or thurs. from now till after finals so I guess just keep your fingers crossed and I don’t see how they could reject your stats especially since they have had a drop off in petroleum due to the oil prices of course. Best of luck to ya!