A message from the denizens of the Yale forum

<p>To the Cornell EA applicants and whatnot:</p>

<p>Your forum is sooo depressing to read. Cheer up everyone! We at the Yale forum have created threads that can be considered fun and uplifting. People actually have a sense of humour and optimism there.</p>

<p>Why so serious?</p>

<p>please read the following forums:
1)plaxico buress
2)official decisions thread
3)record of forum awesomness</p>

<p>if you dont like the heat, get outta the street mutha******</p>

<p>just kidding</p>

<p>What Tboonepickens said.</p>

<p>LOL wait till y’all are stuck in New Haven, CT for the next 4 years - then we’ll see who’s depressed and miserable!!!</p>

<p>I have yet to meet a funny Yalie, most are uptight and obsessed with perfection. Except President Bush of course…Glad to see that you guys have a sense of humor! Some of these threads are depressing lol…</p>

<p>Good Luck everyone! Yalies and Cornellians alike! :)</p>

<p>Oh… the freshmen up at Yale get no tail.
Oh… the freshmen up at Yale get no tail.
So to relieve their mass frustration
they resort to mas tur ba tion…
Oh… the freshmen up at Yale get no tail.</p>

<p>^AHHAHAHHAHAHHA Cayuga! That is great!</p>

<p>Where did I hear that one before?
Oh yes, from a Yale studnet.</p>

<p>It’s okay, I saw that same Yalie who started this thread took the opportunity to start one on Yale’s forum. So I did as well</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/613389-hey-yale.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/yale-university/613389-hey-yale.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The only way to fight BULL s%#t is with DOG s%#t</p>

<p>I declare war. :)</p>

<p>Hahahaha, Battlestations everyone!</p>

<p>Oh the sophomores up at Yale, they get tail.
Oh the sophomores up at Yale, they get tail.
Whenever their professors ask
they just stay after class
Oh the sophomores up at Yale, they get tail.</p>

<p>Come on guys, why are you making war between my two favorite schools? :/</p>

<p>It’s called a joke… I swear you can’t have fun on CC without someone being upset over it</p>

Decision in 3 hours, Houston.</p>

<p>grantortue: I know, right?</p>



<p>Because Yale produced Andrew Dickson White, and Cornell will never live up to that?</p>

<p>While A.D. White is the man (and ultimately the reason this forum exists), we have our own White, E.B. White (anyone like that James Bond reference?)</p>

<p>So, when I realized it was only 3 hours left, I literally had a panick attack. Like, full-on rocking and hysterics and everything. In the middle of physics class. The teacher asked if he needed to call the paramedic. Just thought everyone should know.</p>

<p>hahahaa gracie that’s cute in a twisted way.
2 hours and 9 minutes.</p>

<p>Oh man… poor gracie… at least you’ll know soon :frowning:
My school let out early because of weather so I was spared from outbursts in school. I did almost have a panic attack at home though and my mom thought I got my decision… but I didn’t. So that sucked.
1 hour 42 minutes</p>

<p>it was a difficult 5-10 minutes of my life…and i went to the bathroom and people thought I might be going to jump off the roof…which i didn’t. after 5, maybe, but not now.</p>