A one class problem

Hey guys,
Very new to the forum here, i just had a question regarding my “academic record”. So I’m attending one CC hoping to transfer, but this semester my registration date was pushed so far into August that I couldn’t find myself a Calc 2 class. I waited and eventually one of the counselors recommended that I take it an another CC so i could transfer the credits. Unfortunately, having no car, and ubering for 45 min back and forth started taking a a toll on my bank account. So basically I haven’t been able to attend classes there due to transportation and scheduling conflicts. I decided to just take calc 2 next semester and drop this cc class. Would i still have to mention this class in my transfer application?

Yes. There is a clearinghouse that reports to colleges, so leaving it out is not an option. Just explain the situation as you did here, and if you start the retake in January, you’ll be fine.

i guess a more specific question is how I would be able to bring the topic up considering there’s no section on the common app which allows me to explain the circumstances.

It will show up as a W. There isn’t any real need to explain a W.