<p>I really want to get in to a prestigious college (maybe ivy league) and I was wondering if it would look good to do an A.P. class as independent study. My school only offers 4 A.P. classes and I took 2 of them last year and I'm taking the other 2 this year. The downside is that I am completely undecided as to what I'd like to study in college so I don't know whether taking another A.P. class would be a waste of time.</p>
<p>You shouldn’t take an AP class for how it looks on your application. Take the class because you are interested in the subject. However, an independent study shows commitment and that your challenging yourself so, yes, it does look good.</p>
<p>Colleges will know what your school offers and will see that you took the most rigorous classes offered.</p>
<p>I think you should take AP classes so you can see if you like the material or not. I’ve heard of people taking Computer Science in high school and later on majoring in it in college.</p>
<p>Ok, thank you.</p>
<p>I went up to Boston to see Harvard and one of the admissions people told the group that he was offered no APs at his high school and it did not affect his application for harvard because they look at the applicant with what the school offers. I am not positive if all schools have that same philosophy, but I can’t imagine your school’s lack of AP courses would hurt your application for a college</p>
<p>Hi I am a high school senior I’m really interested in going to USC Berkeley or georgetown I took 3 AP classes my junior year and got As in all of them, 5 APs my senior year and got as in all of them as well. I was in 4 clubs for 2 years, varsity cross country one year and jv the previous, varsity swimming one year and jv the previous 3. I have 250 hours of community service and 3 great letters of recommendation. My sophomore and freshman year I had a 3.6 though. I was suspended sophomore year for cheating for one day. Sats 2100. And I took an internship last year at a small company. I got 4s and 5s on all my AP tests. Do you think it’s possible to get into any of these colleges even though I messed up fresh and soph year??</p>
<p>^ Zander96,
Start your own thread or your will confuse other people. Never steal a thread.</p>