A.P. / Honors >>> Extra points

<p>How many extra points does your high school award you for taking A.P. or honors classes?</p>

<p>One per AP class.. as for honors, only Honors Precalc and Honors English 3 (junior year english) is awarded an extra point.</p>

<p>wow! don't i feel lucky! we get 5 for APs and 3 for honors.
where are you from mr. penguin?</p>

<p>we get 7 PERCENT for A.P's and 5 PERCENT for honors</p>

.5 for honors
1 for AP</p>

<p>no fair.....</p>

<p>1 pt for APs and 1 pt for certain honor classes, like Honors Adv. Alg./Trig.</p>

<p>1 pt for each, on a 4 point scale</p>



<p>a four point scale?? -- thats interesting
in our school, they add the points to your final grade. i saw some of you mention percent. is that how your schools add the points or is there a totally different system?</p>

<p>10% AP, 5% Honors.</p>

<p>1 point for all AP/honors classes (so a 4.0 in AP/honors is 5.0 weighted)</p>