A place to share results and audition questions

This process makes no sense, my S is a second year at UNCSA and did not pass prescreens at a bunch of lower ranked schools. It is all about what the programs are looking for that year! Congrats on the pass!

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Hello! This process is nuts! These are our results so far. We are still waiting on Elon and Michigan MT.

Passes: CMU (Acting and MT), Syracuse (Acting and MT), FSU (Acting and MT), CCPA (MT Voice), Shenandoah (MT), Rider (MT)
Prescreen No’s: Ithaca (MT), Penn State (MT), Pace (MT)
Redirects: Emerson (to Theatre and Performance)
Final Decision Yes: Millikin (based on prescreen)
Final Decision No: Baldwin Wallace

We also have several auditions scheduled for schools that do not prescreen. We are also waiting for final audition results from JMU for both MT and Acting.


Hi everyone! Not sure if anyone’s kid is applying to Northwestern for theatre. Their music theatre supplement asks for full-body songs, but all of my son’s prescreen videos are in 3/4. I know Northwestern is less strict with their criteria, and we have tried calling multiple times to clarify if there is a need to refilm, but no answer so far. Has anyone already applied and can help? Or if anyone has an answer! Much appreciated!

Any update? I think we’ll probably submit the 3/4 ones that my D has already done …

Same here!

This is a fun post! My DD’s experience:

Prescreen Yes: OCU MT/VP, Ithaca VP, Miami MT, LIU-Post MT, Dean MT, FIU MT
Prescreen No: Ithaca MT, CMU MT, Syracuse MT, CCM MT, Michigan MT
Prescreen Still Waiting: Elon MT, Northwestern VP, Penn State MT, CMU VP
No Prescreen Auditions: Baldwin Wallace MT and VP, Belmont MT, Marymount Manhattan MT
Already Accepted: Dean MT, FIU MT, Stephens MT

My DD has an amazing voice, and is a decent actor, but not a dancer. She is a classically trained soprano, but really loves MT. She has endured a lot of heartbreak, but is still hoping for great options in the end.


Now that prescreen results are all in. Here’s the update:

Prescreen Pass: BOCO MT, CMU MT and Acting, CCM MT and acting, Emerson Mt, Otterbein MT, Pace MT, Syracuse MT

Live prescreen pass at CAP (only listing the ones she will audition for): IW, Molly/Cap21, Rider, University of Oklahoma, Indiana, Webster, LIUP, UNCG

Prescreen redirect to Acting: Ithaca, Shenandoah, Point Park (CAP)

Prescreen Rejections: UMich, Elon, Montclair State (at CAP)

No prescreen schools: Baldwin Wallace, NYU, Marymount Manhattan, Muhlenberg

Rejected after audition: Ithaca

Accepted: Millikin MT(direct from CAP), Ohio Northern MT(direct from CAP), Oakland MT(direct from CAP), Marymount Manhattan MT, Montclair State BA theatre arts


Wow!! Amazing results so far! Congrats!

So it was prescreen pass from otterbein after all? :smiling_face: :+1: (I Just read back through this whole thread)


My D was also called for CMU in-person audition, which greatly motivated her! We know that CMU is nearly statistically impossible (3%…), but the fact that they liked her pre-screens brought a lot of confidence to audition for the other schools. She feels validated and recognized.
I agree with you that celebrating these small victories is super important.


Yes, that one was weird. Was not on the list after cap, but got an email weeks later.

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Congrats! It’s a roller coaster indeed. Even with these great results so far, she didn’t pass her top 2 and was super bummed, but I’m a big believer in they land where their meant to thrive best.


How was the CMU audition???

We were actually just there this past weekend! For acting not MT though. It was very engaging and well run.

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It will be in mid-February.

Did they ask for additional monologues, anything creative or extra?

Anyone hear from San Diego State today? Another thread mentioned some people had started receiving acceptances, but none of them were MT.

They work with the kids on the monologues a bit, which we had heard in advance from others (and also had heard that it was fun :slightly_smiling_face: ) With my kid, they worked on the Shakespeare monologue. They didn’t ask for the 3rd monologue (that they ask you to prepare just in case). A good experience all around :+1:


My Ds classmate got her email yesterday. (Not an arts-related application, though.)


Has anyone else not heard from Boston Conservatory yet? I submitted my application and my prescreen in November, and I still haven’t heard anything when a bunch of people I know all got their callback decisions on the same day.

Have you checked your portal (I think that’s what it’s called) to make sure they have received all of your application. Last year, they were missing some part of my daughter’s application and waited for that before giving her the callback decision.

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