<p>I’m sorry, but I have NEVER heard this claim until I came here(CC) that those three schools are better than Middlesex. OKAY MAYBE Exeter… the biggest boarding school with the oldest high school library… yeah, you could say that E is the most prestigious one out there. But I have friends at Hotchkiss who were flat out rejected from Middlesex, and I know kids who transferred out of Deerfield to come to Middlesex. Nor do I think they are any better than Milton Academy or SPS. I haven’t read through past posts, so I don’t know what you guys say and believe here on CC. Truth be honest, I’m a little confused with all these HADES and St. Grottlesex; they’re acronyms that I’ve never heard until I came here, and believe me I have a ton of friends who go to boarding schools. In fact, it’s all who I hang out with. I know that you guys must be like the most driven, competitive, and bright kids(because face it, you are at Colleg eConfidential even before you are thinking about colleges), a little different from the norm of some rich preppy kids who apply to boarding schools because parents make them. </p>
<p>From the perspective of someone who went through all this, I really wanna tell you something. If you dont wanna read it, then please don’t. If you disagree in any way, it’s cool. Other people may have had different experience from mine, and that’s only natural. But since you asked me a question, I’ll try my best to answer it honestly. </p>
<p>I was exactly like you guys when I was applying to BS. I wanted to go to the best, the most prestigious, no.1 school whatever it may be in the country. Thing is I hardly knew anything specific about these schools, but in my head I was always shouting “Exeter and Andover!” just because of their famous names. Well, I got flat out rejected from Andover which was BY FAR my first choice. That sucked big times, and it really made me think hard why exactly I wanted to go there. I’d looked at some boarding school ranking(which changes drastically from year to year, I learned later), and Andover was rated #1 at the time, and that was it. After crying for days and finally getting over it, I began to think really hard about other factors besides prestige… like the size of the school, the sports they excel, beauty of the campus, AP courses, surrounding town, etc… </p>
<p>I suddenly realized Exeter scared the **** out of me with its humongous size. Thousand of kids with two hundred teachers, what is this like a college? Some people thrive in a large environment, some people feel lost in it. I wanted to try out all new things at boarding school, like sports and activities and clubs, and I was afraid there would so many people who were good at them, so it wouldbe rly competitive. I wanted to compete at Varsity level, and I was scared that I wouldn’t make it, because there would be so many people trying out. I didn’t wanna feel drowned in this mass population of people, and you knowwwww the primary appeal of a private school should be its smallness! Like the intimate attention of teachers… I wanted to get to know everyone and have those close relationships with teachers and classmates. I wanted that intimacy of the close-knit community. MX had this feel of a warm family, because it’s so small and everyone knows each other and everyone takes care of each other, you know? I really liked that, because this was gonna be my first time leaving home, and I was kinda nervous about it. I also wanted to be close to Boston. I didn’t wanna go out to NH or western MA or CT. Middlesex has an isolated campus in Concord, MA which is basically like the most stereotypical preppy New England suburban town. But it is also like 30-40 min from Boston, and I liked that proximity to the city a lot. You can do fun things there on weekends. With all these reasons and many others, I came to choose Middlesex over Exeter, and I’m glad I did. I think, because I made a choice based on all these important factors BESIDES PRESTIGE, I was able to be truly happy at MX. </p>
<p>I had friends at MX who had got into all these great schools like SPS, Milton, Choate, Nobles, Andover… I also had friends who didn’t get in anywhere else other than MX. But they all had come to mx for different reasons like the financial aid, the boys Lacrosse team, their family legacies, etc. </p>
<p>The thing with boarding school is that THEY ARE ALL AMAZING SCHOOLS. Doesn’t matter if you go to SPS or St. George’s - the difference between those two education in QUALITY is very minimum at best. They’re both highly respected boarding schools in ISL, just one located in NH and the other in RI. Sure, you will meet different people, but do you think one will have FAR SUPERIOR teachers over the other ones? The quality of the education is the same… If you wanna make out the education to be better than the other, everything is really up to YOU - how YOU perform and how YOU choose to spend those four years. I’m a sophomore at college now, and here is something that I learned. I know someone who went to St. Mark’s and is now at Harvard. I also know a couple kids who went to Exeter and ended up at some random state universities. Just because you go to the best boarding school, you won’t turn out better than the other kids. In fact, it’s much easier to go to the Ivies from easier schools like Brooks and Dana Hall. Boarding school’s college prep is a whole another paragraph to write, so I will stop here. Basically, the gist here is that you need to choose your school based on fit instead of prestige if you wanna turn out really well.</p>