A Problem With Financial Aid

<p>Hello, I have a question about what seems to be a rare problem when it comes to applying for financial aid. My parents and I will send in FAFSA, etc. in the next few days, but we have an issue regarding our tax returns. It says that the deadline for 2008 tax returns is in april, but my dad always files for an extension, and I mean ALWAYS. It's really annoying, what should I do? Some people have told me to send in the form showing a request for an extension (that's what NYU wants), but princeton doesn't really mention it on their website or in their literature. It's really worrying me, because I know we would qualify for financial aid, but I'm afraid my file will be overlooked because of this. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>ask the princeton financial aid office about this.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that if your parents’ 2008 tax returns won’t be done by the deadline, they can send their 2007 returns. I remember reading this on Yale’s site, I think, and it would make sense if most colleges do it like this too.</p>

<p>I think that you’ll find the Princeton financial aid office quite accommodating. The important thing is to keep them informed of what’s happening with your aid application. That will minimize complications.</p>

<p>Yeah just give them a call ASAP</p>