A question about scheduling boarding interviews

Hello everyone! Basically, I’ve been going through the gateway application forms lately and have a couple of questions about interview scheduling and how it would hinder the potential of my ECs.

Generally speaking, to schedule an interview with schools, I believe you need to finish a section called “Candidate Profile” on Gateway Learning. “Candidate Profile” requires you to finalize writing your Extra-Curriculars and multimedia content. Since most of my peers are traveling to go to interviews, I’m assuming I should get going soon too which means I should be finalizing my profile. However, my ECs are relatively incomplete as there are awards (writing) I want to add to my application (If I get in), and coding courses I want to take (lol). I know you can add extra information after the interview but would that decrease the value of a new EC I enter after the interview?

Also, if possible, can anyone give me suggestions and help me prepare for the interview? I’m probably gonna make another thread with this but any help would be appreciated :)))))

Thank You!

The profile is used to help the interviewer. It’s sort of like when you introduce a friend and say " This is Nadia. She lives down the street from me and we play volleyball together." It gives your conversation a start.

The interview is a friendly conversation. Questions can run the gamut but may include
Why do you want to go to boarding school? Have you ever spent time away from your family? What is your favorite book? What’s your current school like? What’s your favorite subject? How do you approach your homework? What kinds of schools are you considering/ what’s important to you in a school?

You can ask questions too.

Interviewers are trying to get a sense of who you are as a person. They like young people and want to see you at your best. Additional prizes, etc. can go on the application but you don’t need them to have an interview. They aren’t deciding to admit your based on this – it just becomes part of your application. Be yourself!

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The profile will give them information for the interview and also see what your interests may be. Once you apply there is space in section 2 to add on to your achievements along with essays. This can be used to update the prizes you mentioned.

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You can just email additional ECs or awards to the Admission Office. For example if you won the election for student council president or won some competition you can email the Admission Office a update about it. For interview tips theres hundreds of questions abt that but heres my advice:

-Research the school beforehand. Like try to research the school like 2-3 days before it and try to see what programs or any current events that happened in the school. For example some schools publish their newspaper or look at their instagram account and if they had a huge party 3 days ago, ask about that party.

-Dress like what students from that boarding school would dress like. If the boarding school dress code is a blazer, wear a blazer.

-Body posture and eye contact. Try to be confident and try to make yourself seem casual. Think of the interviewer as a friend. Don’t be nervous and look wildly at everything and just maintain eye contact to seem confident even if you’re not.

-Prepare for common questions. If you search up “Common Questions Asked In Private High School Interviews” there will be a lot of questions that pop up that most schools ask.

-Once you like research and learn about the school and find out what qualities they like, for example sports or music, talk about the achievements you have in them. Talk about relevant achievements and experiences.

-Most importantly be yourself. Interviewers are basically trained to know if you’re lying about what you do or if you’re not being yourself by body language or word use.


Thank You Everyone!