A Question??

<p>I am an international student and I received a mail from Colorado College informing me that I have been waitlisted for admission and scholarship. I just wanted to ask how strong are my chances of getting admitted??</p>

<p>Anyone, HELP!!!</p>

<p>I think your admissions counselor is the only person who can really answer that question for you. Like most colleges, they ahd a record number of applications this year. According to their website, 4807 applied and that is about 800 mor studetns than last year. From looking at their website, and postings from last year, Colorado isn't known for their scholarships and supposedly aid to internationals is light too. So first, you ahve to worryabout getting off the waitlist and then the money will be an entirely different issue. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks flyboy...Do you have any ideas about how many students are accepted/ waitlisted and the number of seats available? It seems thatt you aren't an international.</p>

<p>Enjoy the nice time in Colorado!! (a few months later)</p>

<p>I think they airm to eadmit a class of 490 so they accept in the range of 1500 students. I don't know how many are waisted. Something that might help you is this...They try to get 50 or so kids to start in Jauary when rooms open up because of students going abroad and other reasons. They usually only get 35-40 students to accept the later start date. If CC is your first choice, and you are flexible when you start, then I'd call them/email them and let them know that you woudl do it. I bet you'd be in a better position that way to get off the waitlist.</p>

<p>According to the 2006-2007 common data set 523 students were offered a place on the waiting list, 215 accepted, and 92 were admitted. The waiting list is not ranked.</p>

<p>this is the link for the main common data set page</p>

<p><a href="http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/comdata.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/comdata.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Wow--that's an amazing report. Is it available for every school?</p>

<p>Every school should be doing it but I don't always find them. I found that by googling it. There's a thread somewhere on CC about finding common data set information for a bunch of schools. You're right, it IS an amazing amount of information, very useful for things like figuring out admissions, financial aid, etc.</p>

<p>edited-- I found the thread, it's the fourth pinned discussion from the top in the College Search section of the site.</p>

<p>Thanks, cowbell, I found this interesting.</p>