<p>On the SSAT Verbal section, does it hurt more to leave the answer blank or to fill out the answer and possibly get it wrong? I've heard many people say that if you leave it blank than you won't get as many points deducted. Is that true???</p>
<p>yes, if you can’t rule out at least two answers, leave it blank. if you leave a question blank, no points are deducted (or added), if you guess, and then get it wrong, you loose 1/4 of a point. This goes for all the sections on the SSAT, not just verbal</p>
<p>oh. p.s. this thread should probably have been started in the “prep school cafe” section</p>
<p>DO NOT GUESS ON THE SSAT’s!!! If you DO NOT know it, don’t fill it out. If I knew that a year ago, I would have been in the 80’s% at least. I’m one of those people that were taught not to leave anything blank in public school. It’s doesn’t help on real standardized tests that actually matter (SAT & ACT). I cannot stress this enough, do not guess. Do not try to fill out every answer so there are no blanks. It WILL hurt you. (If I didn’t guess, I’d probably be at Exeter right now). Hope my rant helped!! Only guess if you have crossed out the majority of the possible answers (refer to star27)</p>
<p>Ok, thanks for the advice. I’ll make sure NOT TO GUESS!!! lol</p>
<p>haha lol, just had to make sure that no one repeats the mistake i did</p>
<p>i only guess if i can eliminate three of the other answers</p>
<p>Senay did you get denied or wait listed.</p>
<p>The first time my D took the SSAT she answered all the questions in math in both sections. The second time she left about 8 blank in one section. If she had answered all of the questions, and got them all wrong, she would have had the exact same number wrong as she did on the first test in this section. Just by omitting answers and a very slight improvement in the second section, on additional correct answer, she improved her score by 20 percentile points.</p>
<p>when you answer a question wrong you get 1/4 of a percent off your score. if you leave it ommited, you only lose 1% and not 1.25%. If u guess wildly it WILL harm your score, but if you can cross 2 out, guess.</p>
<p>no… that’s wrong james >.<
if you omit a question it is: -0
if you get a question wrong:-1/4
get it right:+1</p>
<p>That way when you are guessing statistically 1 outof 4 will be right as there are 4 letter choices, the -1/4 cancels out that benefit from guessing so you end up even</p>
<p>how many percents do you lose if you get an answer wrong? </p>
<p>give me a simple answer. like one worded…cause im having a blonde moment momentarily and i did not understand anything you said, jamesk06 and istoleyournose!</p>
<p>no one word answer senay, sorry =/
by percents i’m sure you mean percentiles. well…in short there is no way to know >.<</p>
<p>oh yeaaa. how about just regular percent. like how you did</p>
<p>ummm regular percent wouldn’t really matter… like 2200 outof 2400? That would mean you got a <em>gets a calculator</em> 91% but thats totally different from what the schools see which is a percentile. Sorry if thats confusing >.<</p>
<p>Okay Senay, I’m kind of getting offended by the whole “blonde moment”. I’m not blonde, but it’s still not okay to say that you’re having a blonde moment when you are actually just having an idiot moment (it’s okay, we all have them). Think how you would feel if every time someone did something dumb, they said, “Sorry, I’m having a brunette moment.”</p>
<p>i wouldnt actually care. none of my blonde friends care if i say the dumb blonde moment comment right infront of their faces</p>
<p>For blondes everywhere, I would like to say that I’m actually really offended that you say that. I don’t say I’m having a Senay moment when I do something asinine. Nor do I say that something is gay when it’s stupid. Just because your friends don’t tell you to your face they’re offended doesn’t mean they’re not. I’m not going to get all sensitive and tell you that you hurt my feelings because I’m secure in my intelligence. It’s just not a good idea to say things like that. Assuming someone is stupid is one thing, but making that assumption based on hair color is just…well, dumb.</p>
<p>nevermind. from now on ill just say im having a dumb moment. but really my blonde friends dont care. they laugh. but my friends are usually the girls that do their make up in class, or have a pouch of makeup with them at all times and leave class for 30 minutes to do their makeup. actually, one of my friends brought her straightener to science class and started doing her hair. luv her. shes so nice. i dont really have the brightest friends, they’re all superficial even if they dont admit it. you still gotta love them though even if they are orange</p>
<p>My sneakoscope is totally going haywire right now. heeheeheeheeheee</p>