A Resource for Diversity Weekends/Visits

<p>Thanks! I think we’ve covered the prospective student weekends for now! If she gets admitted (fingers crossed!) hopefully she can look at the admitted options</p>

<p>Has anyone ever done the Diversity Program at Lehigh? Do you know if they might offer assistance to fly in for the visit? My son just got a flyer in the mail for their program which is Oct. 23-24.</p>

<p>Also, is anyone else going to MIT in September?</p>

<p>Son got an email for a diversity visit at Oberlin. If chosen, they’ll pay your way. </p>

<p>[index</a> - Oberlin College](<a href=“http://new.oberlin.edu/arts-and-sciences/admissions/mvp/]index”>http://new.oberlin.edu/arts-and-sciences/admissions/mvp/)</p>


<p>The Center for Student Opportunity’s website has some useful info about Lehigh’s diversity program. It says that they will pay for a visit once a student is accepted. I would give the office listed on this link and ask them if they will pay for the visit now and be sure to give them your son’s credentials since I am sure they would accept him. Here is the link:[College</a> Center - College Info](<a href=“http://www.csocollegecenter.org/collegeinfo.aspx?id=316&page=programs]College”>http://www.csocollegecenter.org/collegeinfo.aspx?id=316&page=programs)</p>

<p>For others I am finding a lot of useful info on this Center for Student Opportunity website. Be sure to look up their partner schools since those schools indicate that they are interested in minority recruitment. Also be sure to click on the programs link for each college since that is where I found out about minority recruitment.
<a href=“http://www.csopportunity.org/college_partners/coll_partners.aspx[/url]”>http://www.csopportunity.org/college_partners/coll_partners.aspx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Good luck to everyone.</p>

<p>Thanks for the link, itsv. How have you used the website? For instance, I see Penn is on the list but what exactly does that mean?</p>

<p>Yes, Lehigh will pay if accepted. My son seems enamoured with colleges in Pennsylvania for some reason. :-)</p>

<p>I posted in another thread that I just received an email from the Center for Student Opportunity so I “haven’t used the website” much more than reviewing it. However I did find it helpful and that is why I was pasing it along to everyone. Also as I posted if you read the website it says college listed are colleges who want to be partners to this website. In addition I posted that students should check the programs listed for each college because it contained useful information about diversity visits; scholarships for minorities; support programs at colleges for minorities etc. As this link shows for Penn. [College</a> Center - College Info](<a href=“http://www.csocollegecenter.org/collegeinfo.aspx?id=273&page=programs]College”>http://www.csocollegecenter.org/collegeinfo.aspx?id=273&page=programs) </p>

<p>Sorry I can’t be more help than my earlier posting. I suggest you call the website if you need further help.</p>

<p>Bumping due to post #15…take a look. I saw this link from HSF Facebook page.</p>

<p>My son is attending Penn and they did pay to fly him out for admitted students program (long story, he got sick and had to go another day). They would have purchased tickets but I ended up purchasing myself and then they reimbursed. Had to ask though.</p>

<p>Hey if these colleges contact you and invite you to one of these weekends, you must be in the radar, and they must think that you have a possibility of applying to their school. Most of these programs require a personal essay, official transcript, SAT scores, councilor rec, and a couple other information. If you get selected, which the admissions committee decides, they looked through all your information and decided that you were a good match. If you get into one of these, say Lehigh’s or Colgate’s, do you think you have a better chance or good chance to actually get into the school? I mean, they wouldnt accept someone that they knew had no chance at getting in.</p>


<p>I’ll try to answer some of your inquiries.

  1. You should not assume the “admissions committee” decides who gets invited to a diversity fly-in. Many times it is the Office of Minority Affairs/Outreach who funds and selects the candidates for diversity fly-ins. Based on my personal experience with my DS-These offices have multiple purposes for diversity visits-they are trying to bring a group of URM candidates to the attention of the admissions office while at the same time trying to attract candidates to their schools.<br>
  2. Being accepted for a diversity visit is a positive in an applicant’s “plus” column but it is not a guarantee for admissions. My own DS had visits to two school which rejected him. The schools simply said they did not have space for him. These days there are large pools of applicants applying to college who are all very qualified and who the schools have to reject because they simply do not have enough space.
  3. Being invited does mean that you are on the schools radar either through grades; test scores; involvement etc. It is always a positive being on a schools radar. Also having the school be able to place a face to a name has other benefits besides admissions. My DS went to a diversity visit and got to know the people in the Office of Minority Affairs (OMA) during his visit. After being accepted he was subsequently invited to compete for a very large merit scholarship by OMA. He ended up wining the scholarship. He was also awarded 2 other merit scholarships by the school. The threee scholarships ended up being a full ride. I am 100% confident that his diversity visit led to him receiving such a large award.<br>
  4. I would have to say that for diversity visits from non-top 25 schools; the invite probablly does mean that “you have a good chance” of being accepted. However college admissions these days are impossible to predict so diversity visit invitations should not be assumed to mean automatic admissions. </p>

<p>I hope this info helps. Good luck.</p>

<p>Is anyone else planning on going to the Lehigh program?</p>

<p>I am going to the Lehigh program. They are flying me down for free, and the ticket is a $600 one. I also got accepted into the colgate program, but could not go because it was in the same weekend as the Lehigh one, and Lehigh had already given me the $600. </p>

<p>@itsv, although I do not know if the admissions committe selects who to send out invites to, I am CERTAIN that they select who get accepted into their program because me and my friend sent out info to the Lehigh offices, and they told us to contact the office of admissions because they are the ones that selected the students.</p>


<p>Congratulations! My son will be flying out from So. Cal. I don’t have any idea how much his ticket was since they arranged everything. I hope you have a great time. :-)</p>

<p>Congrats to all the invites.</p>

<p>Sbj- Usually the flight itinerary sent should show the cost of ticket :cool:</p>

<p>Oh, yikes, $565, that’s a lot! The MIT flight was only a little over $300. Boy, are they generous!</p>