A small query

<p>Hi all
I took the GRE last month
scored V-620, Q-760 and writing scores not recd as yet.
Is it necessary that I retake it considering the fact that my quants score is slightly lesser. My percentile in quants is 84.</p>

<p>Also I have a couple of IEEE papers to show durin my UG years and I am applying for Fall 06 after finishing my UG in April 2006.
Please help

<p>Depends on which college u want to apply to.
R U indian???? I am one too. presently studying in delhi!
Tell me abt the colg u want to attend and also which course then i will be able to tell u more.</p>

<p>yeah cool_abs44
Am from chennai.. I am generally looking atapplyin to one or twocolleges in the top 15 and the rest within say 30-35. Maybe one or two outside the top 50. Just to be safe. Univ of Utah, Rutgers etc are the kind of colleges in the mid level. Where areu plannning to apply and what major?</p>