a tip from last year's process


<p>Our daughter went through the application process last year. There is one thing that I wanted to let you know. When she went to admitted student days at 2 highly selective LACs, the admissions officers for minority student applications didn't know her name. Her application had not been sorted over to them for a second read, which is what typically happens. If there are a couple of colleges that you really really want to get into, send the minority officer a greeting in an email or send in a pertinent question. You want to make sure to be on their radar, not only for admissions but for merit money consideration.</p>

<p>Good luck with your applications!</p>

<p>Great tip! It's also important to get on the radar of the schools that have special diversity weekends for URMs to visit.</p>

<p>I wish I knew how to get a lit of those schools. I'm told ds will be flooded with mail telling us what colleges do this, but I'd rather be proactive.</p>

<p>Yeah, I am a bit worried because my last name does not sound Mexican in the least, even though I am 3/8 (everyone on my dad's side except his paternal grandfather is Mexican, weird situation). I guess I am going to send a letter stating the results of my new SATs to get their attention.</p>

<p>I wouldn't worry about your last name,
even though I'm black (not hispanic) my last name doesn't sound it at all.</p>

<p>Here's a list with a few of the diversity invites I recieved:</p>

<p>Washington University St. Louis
Carleton College
Pitzer College
Swarthmore College
Tufts University
Oberlin College
Amherst College</p>

<p>hmm...I know there were more. I'll come back and let you know when I find out!</p>



<p>What do you mean by diversity invites?</p>

<p>In April they will have special admitted student events geared toward minority students. Several of the colleges offered to pay for the airplane tickets. Because the time lapse between being accepted and having to commit several of the colleges weekends will overlap. My daughter prioritized her colleges and revisited only 3.</p>

<p>We didn't pay as much attention to the fall events but I know Williams and Middlebury had fall visits, trying to woo students to apply, again with transportation offered. I assume the others had similar events. I know with Williams you had to be on their minority mailing list by late August in order to receive an invitation.</p>

<p>Regarding the paid for transportation: I can't remember who offered airfare with out proving financial need and who required need. We paid for all of them because we didn't want to take advantage.</p>

<p>Here are a few more. I made the list a couple of years ago, so check college websites for current status:</p>


<p>Some visits are for fall of Sr year, others for the spring, just before or after decisions. All of the ones my D went to were fully paid, but they vary, sometimes even within a program (eg. WUSTL).</p>

<p>also unc has one for EA applicants</p>