A tragic end to a young life


I post this because my son knew this young woman and having a personal connection to such a tragedy makes it more than just a story.

Such stories can and do happen anywhere and everywhere, but as our young adults head off to school or back to school in a couple short months, take this opportunity to remind them to be safe and responsible when alcohol is involved.

Take this opportunity to remind daughters to never go out drinking alone and always be with someone they trust.

Take this opportunity to remind sons that only yes means yes.

Even take this opportunity to remind them that they should never be driving after drinking or riding with anyone who has been.

Their futures are far too bright to end early.

Such a tragic story but one where kids will learn something from it so something like this does not happen. I am forwarding to my son now, who will be a soph at UA.

Honestly, that freaks me out. I know things happen at all schools, but the laws on rape in Alabama are very scary.

It might be important to share information about date rape drugs with our kids. That seems to be what happened to Megan. It’s alleged, of course, but the Tuscaloosa PD and the DCH hospital failed to draw blood that would prove it.

crazy4info - TOTALLY AGREE. “Earnestly Resisting”??? I thought “NO” means “NO”.

When will we stop hearing news like this?

UA is not alone in having a problem with these kind of incidents happening to its students. But it did not happen on the UA campus, and from what I have learned, UA did nothing wrong in this matter. The local cops and DCH likely did though. Not sure why anyone thinks it fair to blame UA for this.

Is the risk of rape greater at UA than at other major schools set in larger cities? I doubt it!

Unfortunately non-consensual sex crimes/ date-rape, etc, is too common on college campuses.

While no one should blame the victim, all young people need to be advised how to lower the risk of them being assaulted.

Agree with the 3 previous posts. As I said, these incidents do happen everywhere. It’s the Alabama law that places the burden on the victim that worries me. “Earnestly Resisting.” Not sure how one even proves that. I’m from Austin, and I have a daughter who is considering U of Al., so you can imagine my sensitivity. Of course we have these conversations, and will continue to have conversations with our son and daughter. It’s just scary when the laws are supposed to protect victims–this particular law seems wrong.

JasmineArmani - I hope we stop hearing about them when the need to share is no more. There seem to be more victims coming forward. I have seen statistics that state the Tuscaloosa PD received 26 allegations of rape last year and only 3 were followed up upon. That speaks volumes to the way these cases are handled.

crazy4info - I totally understand your POV. I have actually encouraged friends to look into UA, due to the large amount of funds available for scholarships. It’s a tough choice with the outdated laws in Alabama.

Atlanta68 - It may not be clear from the coverage, but UA did not follow their own guidelines in assisting Megan Rondini. It’s a long read, but the Federal Suit lawsuit outlines the details, and is available online. I think there needs to be a better team in place to assist students in crisis.

At present what we have are allegations rather than facts. Perhaps, unlike the press, we should wait to hear the evidence before we rush to judgement.

In the other thread about this it was noted that the incident didn’t happen on campus and the alleged assailant isn’t a student. Someone in that thread also said that the college offered counseling and when the original counselor (who knew the accused) recused themselves, another counselor immediately took over. What else was the university supposed to do?

I encourage you to share what you discovered if you really believe UA did not do due diligence. Don’t just say UA fell down on its responsibility.