<p>In high school, I did not take many AP exams. This was due to two reasons:</p>
<p>1) The main reason was that I would not get credit to place me out of classes so I did not see the point in taking them.</p>
<p>2) Most of the classes I took by senior year of high school were much harder than the AP level anyway so I did not see the point of taking exams in easier courses that wouldn't even give me credit in the first place.</p>
<p>Turns out, that those who came in with more AP tests can register for classes earler. Basically, that is all AP exams that don't get you out of classes are good for.</p>
<p>So I'm sitting here wondering how I'm going to get in these classes...</p>
<p>Oh, and I'm not talking about electives or anything. These are classes from my MAJOR.</p>
<p>Welcome the next 4 years of your life. I hope you can meet in your major requirements before it becomes 4-1/2 years.</p>
<p>I'm guessing that the kids with all the AP exams have got some kind of academic placement for them and now have "advanced standing". This means that they are considered "second semester freshman" or something like that. They aren't beating you out of classes any more than someone who started at that college last January or last fall. Next semester you will be beating out the kids who start in the second semester, and those who don't earn enough credits in the first semester to be considered "second semester freshman" yet.</p>
<p>I know this is a real pain, but eventually you will have enough "seniority" built up to get into all of the classes you want. IF you need classes for your major, and IF you can't get into them on your first try, GO SEE YOUR ADVISOR. BE A REAL PEST ABOUT IT. There will be some way for your advisor to get you squeezed into the courses you need for your program.</p>
<p>Another suggestion is that you pay close attention to which courses you can get in summer school. You may be able to pick up a bunch of the classes you need in what most students consider to be an "off" term.</p>
<p>All the best.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot, I got into the class after bothering them. Seems like I'll be ok after all... =)</p>
<p>But the message of this thread still holds... If you take AP classes, take the tests even if you won't get placed out of anything</p>
<p>This can apply to housing as well -- check your school's policy. If there are any highly sought-after "upperclassman" residences on campus, the seniors usually get first shot, then juniors, etc. If you have advanced standing from your APs, at some point, you'll be farther in line in the housing draw. (this may not apply to you though)</p>