
<p>I'm applying to boarding school, obviously. I'm in 9th grade and have an A in every class except P.E. I have an A- making my overall G.P.A. an 3.957. </p>

<p>My excuse is that she shouldn't have seated me next to my boyfriend since I'm already talkative. lol ;)</p>

<p>Do you think they'll care? Probably not but just checking.......</p>

<p>I think SOMEONE is fishing around…</p>

<p>what’s fishing?</p>

<p>“fishing for compliments”</p>

<p>hmm, nope. but still, people who apply to boarding school get straight A’s (well from what I’ve seen from CC). I was so upset to find that I got that grade cause I’m one of those people who thinks that getting an A- will ruin my chances at an Ivy-League College. I actually HATE her guts right now. I soooo did not deserve that grade, she has it out for me. My grades represent me, it’s my pride and joy, my trophy. She ruined my first term grade…I’ll never forget it.</p>

<p>P.S. Yep, I’m DEFINITELY bitter about the terrible ordeal.</p>

<p>come on guys. if it won’t affect the app, just say one word, “no”.</p>

you need to get over this. its one flipping A-. In gym, who cares?
No boarding school gives a **** about gym. You are in 8th grade? Let me give you some advice: learn because you want to not for grades. Also, when you are applying to colleges Ivys arent always the best and wont just take you b/c you have perfect grades. breathe and calm down. </p>

<p>in summation: NO</p>

<p>what about a B in art with striaght A’s</p>

<p>Obsessive-compulsive disorder?</p>

<p>if i was OCD i wouldn’t be getting the B in the first place lol</p>

<p>mmmm an A-? and that lowered your average? that sucks man, i’m sorry</p>

<p>aww i know igot even worse straight a’s with a B in arrt… argh</p>

<p>Absolutely ridiculous.</p>

<p>The A- is not a problem.
Blaming the teacher is a problem.</p>

<p>I second that, siliconvalleymom. </p>

<p>The most competitive schools are looking for kids who know that the grades that they get are the grades that they’ve EARNED, not been given.</p>

<p>Wow, thats all I have to say.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, but colleges don’t really care if you have straight A’s or not. I’m pretty sure MIT doesn’t exactly mind if a student didn’t have a “perfect” grade in English.</p>

<p>hmm im not really worried about the A-, im worried more about the GPA. it’s so unperfect. now i wont be able to say I have a 4.0 (it wasnt a bad A- either, I was one percent of from receiving an A)</p>

<p>I got all sorts of B’s and got into every college I applied to (top ranked schools). Don’t worry about it :-)</p>

<p>Good lord…it’s so “unperfect”…the horror of having a 3.957. Are you kidding me? If you go to boarding school, you’re going to be having plenty imperfect GPA’s. You just need to deal with it, it’s not a big deal, it’s just gym class, you earned your grade. I used to get B’s in gym (we had final exams…in gym) and I didn’t flip out over it because I got what I worked for.</p>