AA Actual Results Thread

<p>There's a thread on "What Are My Chances" for posting your stats and which schools you were accepted to, waitlisted at, and rejected from. So I think it'd be cool to start one here too!</p>

<p>(And this isn't limited to the Class of 2014, any previous classes feel free to share too :])</p>

<p>Country: United States
Sex: Female
Location: NY
Race/Ethnicity: Haitian
GPA (UW)**: 97.6%
GPA (W): 101.23%
SAT: 2270 (800CR - 710M - 760W)
SATII: 790 Literature; 800 U.S. History; 710 Math II (no bueno )
Rank: 1/257 UW; 3/257 W
Graduating with 10 AP Classes (5s on 9/10 exams)</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<pre><code>[ul] Editor-in-Chief of school paper
[li] Varsity track captain (from sophomore year onward)[/li][li] Math Fair competitor (silver & gold medalist in 2008 and 2010, respectively)[/li][li] Science Olympiad participant (this didn’t amount to much)[/li][li] Mock Trial captain/president; led team to County Championships three times (after finishing in dead last the year before I joined)[/li][li] Model UN senior member; chair of Security Council committee at local MUN conference[/li][li] NHS president (junior & senior year)[/li][li] Chorus pianist[/li][li] Pit orchestra violinist[/li][li] some more things I’m too tired to list…[/ul][/li]</code></pre>

<p>Work: Camp counselor (summer); Chemistry/Math/English/History tutor during the year</p>

<p>Accepted at: Harvard, Princeton, Georgetown (SFS), University of Chicago, Columbia, Macaulay Honors College (Hunter campus), St. Johns, Howard, Hampton, American
Waitlisted at: Yale
Rejected at: Well, I didn’t accept Yale’s waitlist offer, so I don’t know how that one would’ve turned out. However, I’ll jump the gun and put down Yale as my forever delayed rejection. :p</p>

<p>Feel free to pm me if you’d like me to elaborate on my stats.</p>

<p>Wow! Great job! So will you be attending Harvard?</p>

<p>Here are a few more links:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/925299-2010ers-now-youve-decided-where-will-you-matriculate-b.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/925299-2010ers-now-youve-decided-where-will-you-matriculate-b.html&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/896299-official-official-2014-african-american-results-thread.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/african-american-students/896299-official-official-2014-african-american-results-thread.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’m sure that there are more, so I’ll post back here later if I find them.</p>




<p>^would you happen to be ksarmand? Very similar stats and personality.</p>


<p>elbeen there are already like two threads with stats and acceptances from '14 alone … I’m pretty sure if you search back through the sub-forum, you’ll find the same for previous classes.</p>