AA background check

<p>D spoke to the company yesterday and they were the ones who instructed her to choose Alabama since Illinois was missing. No talk of county, etc. Hope this doesnt turn into a big mess for the kids whose state is not listed.</p>

<p>I just called and was also instructed to choose Alabama since TN is not on the list. When I tried to submit the request yesterday, I also had a choice of counties and the zip code field would not populate. However, today I did not have to choose a county and had no problem with the zip code. The first lady that I spoke with said that my son had to call, but after reading Class2012 post I insisted, since my son is also a minor. I receive the email with the invoice and the charge was $14.</p>

<p>This is a concerning trail – I “thought” I took care of this for my D…</p>

<p>I went to link in email and filled out the form for my daughter – I don’t remember any drop downs or state/county links – everything was green (three boxes on the bottom) and I sumbitted form and paid via PayPal the $14.</p>

<p>Maybe it was because it was all in-state addresses – or maybe I did it in a hurry and just don’t remember the drop downs --don’t know.</p>

<p>It didn’t give any kind of error – hope everything is OK…</p>

<p>BamaAF - In my case the top box was not green and that is where the drop down menu was. Once I chose Alabama all three bottom boxes were green and I was able to submit the request.</p>

<p>BamaAF, I was thinking the same thing. I dont remember any kind of drop down menu. Maybe it only pops up if they dont recognize your zip? I also had no problem completing the process and paying with paypal. I assume they will let us know if we did something wrong.</p>

<p>You will all eventually get an email (to whatever address you put) w/ a PDF of the invoice - check it to see what you ‘ordered’. This background checking service takes like 30 seconds, so if anything is amiss, either UA or you will notice the problem well in advance of attending AA and be able to get it straightened out.
I can say it is NOT intuitive to scroll through the list of states to find counties or even countries at the bottom of that list of states and/or click on ‘not applicable’ to do the same. I don’t recall my son’s order having that option, so maybe that is new today. And, yes, it makes sense (depending on your zip code) that a list of counties would pop up (if you’re in-/out-state).
I’m confident that UA will notify us if anything is not right w/ son’s order. But so far, we got a green ‘grade’ on all criminal activity. :slight_smile: (Maybe UA should have waited until AFTER graduation to have us order these…JUST KIDDING!!!)</p>

<p>Just got our results which showed a search of the state of Alabama (in which my S has spent less than 48 hours total in his life). We had chosen “unavailable” as instructed when we submitted the form, with me later calling to update it to our county in Illinois.</p>

<p>Most of our kids are barely 18 with some not even yet 18. Even if they had records, I don’t think they’d show on these searches as juvenile court records and handled much differently than adult records. Oh well, I just hope this was sufficient for UA’s purposes.</p>

<p>DD’s results also were emailed to her stating she had no felonies in the last 7 years in Alabama(we live in IL). I wonder if this company does alot of back round checks for anything truly important? This whole thing doesn’t speak well for the company.</p>

<p>Agree w/posters above – this seems like just checking a box. </p>

<p>I guess this complys with the Tuscaloosa BOE (City BOE) to allow interaction with their students. – probably meant for adult bus drivers, and other employees.</p>

<p>Not even sure if this would show if our childrens’s SSAN had been hijacked since it is only a criminal check vice credit.</p>

<p>Oh well, D got an all green – we have immunizations and then Bama Bound. RTR!!!</p>

<p>I find the web site very confusing. Here in CA schools, adult volunteers not directly supervised by paid staff, are required to be fingerprinted. As a parent volunteer driving students to band events, we had to be cleared through the school district’s office. </p>

<p>As an adult volunteer through Boy Scouting where the meetings are held in the Catholic Church facilities, we also had to be fingerprinted and take youth protection training (scouts) and Shield the Vulnerable (church) training online. It can be costly for some organizations as the volunteer or volunteer agency has to pay the fees- $35.</p>