AA/OA now Pass/Fail...Is this a change?

<p>Just read on the UA website that Alabama Action and Outdoor action are now pass/fail. It seems from last Fall’s CC posts that it was a graded class before this. I know it is only one credit but it’s going to be tough for my son to get his honors credits - esp in the honors seminar hours. According to the honors college website pass/fail classes don’t count for seminar credit. </p>

<p>He’ll probably now reevaluate whether or not to go to OA - losing the last week of summer - plus the extra cost and losing his last week of summer job earnings.</p>

<p>Anyone know if there is an option on pass/fail classes to do extra academic work to receive a grade?</p>

<p>GAmom- last year it was graded. So I do not have answers to any of your questions, sorry. Email them, they are good about answering questions.</p>

<p>email Kiki in honors and ask if they"re going to accept this as honors credit.</p>

<p>Another parent posted in an earlier thread that this was a change for this year (from a letter grade to pass/fail).</p>

<p>It will probably count as Honors credit, but just not as a GRADED honors seminar. It will dump into your Honors electives, I believe, for purposes of Degree Works and grad reqs. Someone here who hasn’t taken the AA/OA class yet could go into their Degree Works and add it for Fall 2013, and see where it ends up, and then get back to the forum.</p>