AA Rant

<p>Okay so before I start let me just say I did not make this thread to start a discussion on the merits for or against AA; a million of those threads already exist.</p>

<p>However, is there anyone else out there that is honestly sick and tired of people assuming the only reason you got into a certain school is because you're black? I'm bringing it up now because today my civics class was assigned an essay question addressing AA and I had some very...interesting...conversation with friends afterwords. Even from best friends who I thought would know better because they know my academic record and know what I do, were basically agreeing that I only managed to get into Harvard (the school I'm going to) and other good schools because I'm black and it's infuriating!! </p>

<p>Before I used to laugh and stuff when people brought it up but that was because I assumed they were intelligent enough to know the real truth and were just joking. I try to console myself by thinking it really doesn't matter what others think because in the end I know it'll be my own effort that leads to my success but still it's honestly just not fair. It's like they think being black is a free one way ticket to any college of your choosing and you don't need to put in any effort -__-</p>

<p>Idk, hopefully you guys go to school with people more educated about AA that don't go spouting random misconceptions so you don't have to go through this</p>


<p>lol, sorry for that but I needed to rant. Everyone around me today during that conversation was just making me more and more angry.</p>

<p>But anyways. How was your day? lol :)
I watched a very weird and awful 80s movie today in class called The Fly lol</p>

<p>^ I totally understand what you are saying, and I have done the same rant myself. However, we try to not bring up AA here because of these certain users on CC attacking others on the African American board. So yeah. Just get ready. </p>

<p>And other words…my day was pretty okay …annoyed alittle (people keep talking about the May 21st “end of the world” and such. I don’t know…things are getting a little crazy but its not the end of the world.</p>

<p>Is that aresnal in your name, as in arsenal, the soccer team? Professional soccer teams are so much more diverse than the youth soccer teams in the US.</p>

<p>^^ Haha really? Strangely the whole world ending may 21st thing hasnt caught on yet in my school. Usually things like that do because people like to be dramatic and obsess so maybe I’ll be hearing about it soon :)</p>

<p>^and yes!!! Haha I love when people actually know who arsenal is :slight_smile: My friends are more baseball/football/basketball types :/</p>

<p>But I agree. I love watching the English Premier League, La Liga, Serie A and all those other European leagues but I don’t watch MLS. To me the style and level of soccer just doesn’t compare (no offense to MLS players). It’s just…different. I don’t know how else to explain it.</p>

<p>And when you say diverse do you mean race/ethinicity/nationality wise? Because I totally agree there too. I love how teams have people from England, France, Russia, China, Italy, almost every country in Africa and all over the place! It’s so cool! :D</p>

<p>FC Barcelona!!!</p>

<p>My day suck…
I’ve lost motivation.
These next few weeks are going to be long. VERY LONG</p>

<p>^ Haha yeah!!! :slight_smile:
I love Arsenal but Barcelona has to be my favorite team outside of the epl (don’t follow them as much though). I saw them play live once and it was :open_mouth: whoa lol :slight_smile: </p>

<p>They soo need to beat ManU though because I honestly cannot stand that team lol</p>

<p>I haven’t applied to colleges yet - I’ll do so in the fall - but most of the people in my grade assume that I’ll get accepted into my #1 school (USC) because I’m mixed. Plus, it helps that I’ve told absolutely no one about my ECs and it’ll be really cute to watch them speculate and give me the side eye next year :).
But congrats on Harvard and your other schools, OP!</p>

<p>This week will be a weird one…

  1. Obama just spoke at a graduation in my city :smiley: My parents work at the airport and got pictures of Air Force One.
  2. The seniors graduate on May 21, aka judgment day, in our state’s largest church. Will be interesting LOL.
  3. My band class is electing a field commander tomorrow :eek:</p>

<p>Who didn’t know that a black student would be the first to bring AA up again in this forum. Wait…they don’t actually want to discuss it on this forum…they just want to say that they are “honestly sick and tired of people assuming the only reason you got into a certain school is because you’re black”. Here is a news flash: you want the advantages of “special” admission policies like AA, then you can deal with the baggage that comes with it.</p>

<p>Please note that my post is on topic with the OP without discussing the merits for or against AA.</p>

<p>Actually it is my son (Oops! I’m not s student!) who keeps me educated about soccer, and Barcelona is his favorite team. </p>

<p>He was pretty stoked about SOMEBODY winning a week or so ago, but he ended up burning a hole in a jersey trying to iron it to wear to school. </p>

<p>I have watched him play a lot of soccer in a lot of places for the last dozen years, and he is often the only black kid on the pitch, but when you watch professional soccer, at least outside of the US, you see a really beautiful representation of athletes, in a really beautiful game.</p>

<p>^^ Um, i never said I “wanted” the advantages of special admissions policies. You don’t even know my position on AA. Newsflash: not every black person has the same opinion about AA. I for one do not completely agree with every aspect of it and did not need AA to get into my colleges; i did that by my own hard work and having the fortune to come from a home with highly educated parents that also ingrained the importance of higher education in me from a young age. Please do not make such unfounded assumptions</p>

<p>But anyways Shrinkrap:</p>

<p>Haha aw no!!! I cherish my Arsenal shirts so I know ruining one for me would be devastating lol.</p>

<p>And I definitely agree. I think that is what truly makes European/Foreign soccer so much better. They use talent from all over the globe and it’s amazing while MLS is mostly white Americans simply because soccer is not as big a sport over here. There’s nothing wrong with that but I think it would be great for American soccer to integrate more with European/African/etc leagues kind of like UEFA does for Europe but I know its the whole distance factor that makes things difficult. MLS is starting to do so (I mean the New York Red Bulls have Thierry Henry which actually blew my mind when that happened because he was once a great Arsenal player) and they are trying to diversify the talent on a global scale so I think things will get better.</p>

<p>It wouldn’t bother me. People are always gonna hate on you and try to bring you down to their level. It motivates me. When you’re in a position where nobody is trying to minimize your accomplishments, and nobody is envious of you in any way, you have nothing going for you. When there is no negativity or hating going on towards me I get nervous. lol</p>

<p>I wish I did, but I have nothing to offer to the soccer discussion. :(</p>

<p>If you did not want derisive comments in response to your college acceptances, then you should have chosen not to respond when asked about your race on the Common Application. You have no right to complain about the assumptions that people make about your college acceptances if you did not take positive steps to avoid such a problem. </p>

<p>Next year, when I apply to colleges, I will check my race. Why will I do this? Because I hope to reap any advantages that this system (however flawed) offers. If I had a problem with people saying that my ethnicity as opposed to merit garnered my acceptances, then I would not make this choice. However, I am comfortable with myself and my achievements, so these opinions will not matter.</p>

<p>^ honestly before my senior year I didn’t even know about this perceived edge in admissions. It’s not until I found cc and saw how much people debate it on here did I realize it was such a big deal. I checked off my race because it was just another question on the common app and assumed that those around me would know me and my academic record enough that they would see it was that that got me in - not my skin color.</p>

<p>I just have a problem with the people that assume that being black basically entitles you to any college and you don’t have to work as hard. That is not the point of AA and it is insulting.</p>

<p>Also not checking my race would not have done anything; I’ve thought about that a lot because I wished I hadn’t checked the box so I could show people it was me and not my skin that got me in. However my essay was on how growing up with Trinidadian immigrant parents shaped how I grew up and the cultural conflicts. And if one knows trinidad, they know that it is an island that is primarily black so most would have made the connection even though they aren’t supposed to.</p>

<p>Heezarooskie: that’s a good way of looking at it. I usually try to take that attitude because I know the best way to show them wrong is to just simply succeed. But just a month more of high school and then it’ll all be over :)</p>

<p>And haha it’s ok about the soccer thing. Idk how this turned into a soccer thread lol. It just kinda did :)</p>

<p>"Idk how this turned into a soccer thread "'</p>

<p>I thought it might be a nice change…</p>

<p>It is not just on College Confidential that people have these debates. You say yourself that people around you make these snide comments. It is not because they have very specialized information that you don’t. It is because it is common knowledge that minorities receive a boost in college admissions.</p>

<p>And you say that admissions officers would have put two and two together by means of your essay if you had not put down your race. But what if they hadn’t. What if they had only judged you for the information that you supplied, as opposed to attempting to infer more which you were not willing to share. You were already mistaken with one assumption that you made…</p>

<p>“…assumed that those around me would know me and my academic record enough that they would see it was that that got me in - not my skin color”</p>

<p>What if your assumption about the intentions of the admissions officers was also incorrect. Well, we shall never know.</p>

<p>^ It certainly is…
Even though I don’t really have anything to say.</p>

<p>Every time someone brings up AA it turns into an unnecessary argument. Let’s move on, guys. Please…</p>

<p>Every time someone brings up AA it turns into an unnecessary argument. Let’s move on, guys. Please…</p>

<p>I don’t like the MLS at all. American soccer isn’t up there, and it never will be.
La Liga is the best league in the world.
I’m also an Inter Fan! Well I’m kinda obligated to.
I’m Cameroonian, lol.
My dad’s obsessed with Eto’o.
So I guess that pretty much explains it.</p>

That’s the thing though. The comments didn’t start until this year when acceptances started rolling in. I truly never realized it was such a big deal until this year. <em>shrugs</em> it just wasn’t common knowledge for me.</p>

I didn’t mean to turn this into an argument. Just venting after a frustrating day with frustrating people :p</p>

<p>But anyways I like soccer so I think we should continue :slight_smile: Don’t get too much of an opportunity to discuss it since like none of my friends actually like soccer.</p>

<p>Hmm I don’t really follow the Italian league as much as I used to but I do like catching the occasional AC Milan or Juventus game (although not Juventus as much anymore because I loved Vieira - another former Arsenal player lol - but hes moved back to England now).</p>

<p>So general question to anyone: Who’s your favorite (current) player?
Mine’s probably Arshavin from Arsenal because he’s like this tiny Russian dude but is like a charging quick bull on the field lol :)</p>