Aagh! I'm kicking myself!

<p>So for Speech, I qualified for State and competed. BUT for some reason I completely forgot to put it down on my app! I put down EVERYTHING else except that. :(
and i've been kicking myself ever since, because it's completely my fault and I should have.
I've been talking to a couple of people, and they say that I'll be fine as I do have other ECs and that adcoms will be skimming those things anyway, so it shouldn't matter... but I'm still freaking out. BUT I don't think it's a good idea to contact admissions anyway over such a little thing. Any advice?</p>

<p>i dont think that it’s a big deal</p>

<p>same problem here. dont contact over something so little. if you can add more, maybe you could send in an extra revised resume, but it still might be too much.</p>