
<p>to the people who are applying to abc program:</p>

<p>did you get a formal letter saying you got accepted or rejected?</p>

<p>i just got a letter, and in the end it said "A better chance staff will be in contact with the member schools to check on the status of your apllication and to advocate on your behalf".</p>

<p>in my letter they didnt explicitly state it, but can i assume that i did get accepted?</p>

<p>hmmm...this is confusing :(</p>

<p>how do they advocate? .. thats sketchy.</p>

<p>wow, u must be a very qualified canidate to be applying to that program. i hear its pretty tough to get in. good luck w/ that! :)</p>

<p>ABC is far from sketchy. Very good program. The investment bank I used to work at provided a lot of financial support to that program and we used to hire many of the alumni of that program after college. Never any guarantees, but being a part of that program I think is a very big advantage in the admission process.</p>