About Chance me threads...

<p>Maybe I'm paranoid but if we have evidence of people from admission checking these forums, why would you post your info here?</p>

<p>Don't you start off weaker by doing that? If they don't know you and are reading an app you spent hours proofreading for connotation, punctuation and content, why would you identify yourself in forums and post 30-second-composition material that could reveal some not so pink and rosy things about you (confrontational/insecure/sloppy).</p>


<p>how could they verify who somebody is? most people don’t put their real names on here so they would have no way to tell. And there are tens of thousands of people applying so they wouldn’t because able to narrow down who you are because of the info you put on about yourself</p>

<p>Nobody puts real information on here. THey all exaggerate their scores and lie about everything they do. I’m pretty sure admissions officers are busy reading ACTUAL common apps rather than base their opinions off of college discussion and a bunch of randoms. Why would it hurt our chances in the first place? What terrible things can you do on college confidential? And do you think that admissions officer expect us to be “bright and rosy”? Have you been to a real high school?</p>

<p>well, I’m pretty sure with the number of details a person posts, it is not hard to narrow down who the person is. I doubt lying because why would you ask to chance a lie?</p>

<p>If someone from admission is cruising through forums and sees something memorable like a chance-me thread with insults/cussing, that is a silver bullet through your app’s heart.</p>

<p>I’m just saying --why would you compromise your chances even marginally considering that GTown is a pretty selective school?</p>

<p>Why would a college admissions person bother reading college confidential in the first place when they have thousands of applications to deal with that are actually legitimate?</p>

<p>Maybe for the same reason we do? To escape our homework for a moment and have a bit of “change of scenery.” In any event, the kid asking about his 4 deferral letters got a response from a GTown counselor. They have to at least be looking at titles for important info if not outright reading the threads.</p>

<p>Also, colleges look at myspace/facebook to get more impressions about applicants. People have a tendency to reveal their true colors when they are in the security of their households, behind their PC’s. </p>

<p>Just think about it…</p>

<p>You’re paranoid.</p>

<p>I bet if you spent a few hours sifting through applications, you could probably match one up with a posting. Would any admissions officer put that much time and effort into it? Probably not.</p>

<p>Besides, disregarding the occasional ■■■■■, there’s really nothing objectionable that we talk about on CC, so I don’t see any impetus or motivation as to why anyone would want to attempt to match someone’s profile with their account, it really wouldn’t make any sense</p>

<p>do they really have that much time on their hands?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/623276-college-confidential-users-beware.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/623276-college-confidential-users-beware.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;