<p>Has anyone been IGETC certified, or know of anyone else that has been IGETC certified, without the science LAB requirement? Meaning: you (they) WERE IGETC CERTIFIED having simply satisfied the lecture requirement, but never having taken the lab that typically goes along with it. </p>
<p>I spoke with a counselor, albeit one of the more useless counselors I've encountered, and he mentioned that he's heard of this happening.</p>
<p>Also, somewhere on my application, it 'affirms' that I will have completed the IGETC agreement as of Spring '09 while I mentioned nothing about the lab.</p>
<p>The lab requirement is pretty clear on the IGETC and on the transfer articulation for USC so I’m guessing that they’d probably hold you to it. I’ve never heard of anything otherwise, and I wouldn’t bet on a CC counselor’s word, especially if it’s not on paper. I say you play it safe and take the lab.</p>
<p>yeah… don’t get me wrong… i’m trying to, it’s just proving to be exceedingly difficult. i don’t want to take the lecture (midterms, quizzes, etc) over again when i’ve already received an A in the course. </p>
<p>during winter session at Pierce, the lecture (Astro 1) and Lab (Astro 2) are combined into a hybrid course (Astro 3) and are only offered separately in the Spring. the department chair seems to be off on vacation, the professor of the course and dean are powerless, and i’m literally just waiting around. </p>
<p>i was just curious if there were any examples here on CC that might verify my counselor’s mutterings.</p>
<p>^ you go to pierce too? i do too! counselors suck ass over here -_-</p>
<p>yeah, conn. i’ve spoken with all of them multiple times. Roth is the only one with any redeeming qualities. </p>
<p>anyway, a/s/l?
wanna cyber, become sexually frustrated, plan to meet and flake at the last minute?</p>