About my chances in UC, CSU, and Private colleges in CA [3.73 GPA (? for UC and CSU), computer science]

• US Citizen
• Southern California resident
• Ventura County School - Senior this fall

Intended Major(s)
Computer Science
Computer Information Science

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA (10th & 11th): 3.73
  • Weighted HS GPA (10th & 11th): 3.92
  • Class Rank: Do not know, will check with Counselor and post here later
  • ACT/SAT Scores: Did not take

Interested in assessing my chances in UCs, CSUs, and Private colleges (provided I get some aid there)

Cal Poly SLO is my favorite college.

Be sure to see



First you need to narrow down your list of schools. With 9 UC’s, 23 CSU’s and numerous private schools, you need to figure out what kind of location, size and undergrad experience you are looking at attending.

Below a 4.0 CSU/UC GPA for the majority of the UC’s and top CSU’s will make it a tough admit for CS which is the most impacted majors at the UC and CSU schools.

Is your 3.92 GPA, your CSU/UC capped weighted GPA?

You need to calculate all 3 UC GPA’s since the UC’s will consider all 3 in your application review.


For Cal Poly SLO, their GPA calculation uses 9-11th grades with a 8 semester Honors point cap.

So what is your SLO GPA? You will need around at 4.2+ SLO GPA to be competitive.

Can you list any Honors/AP/IB or DE classes taken? Highest level of Math? How does your HS course rigor compare to others in your HS? Are you a top student?
Are you ELC (top 9 % local or statewide)?

What about EC’s, awards, jobs, etc…? What about college budget/year?

Below are the CS admit rates for all the UC’s and some of the popular Cal States that has been slightly updated since your last discussion thread. Once 2023 admission data is posted, I will update the chart yet again.

2022 CS admit rates if available

Campus CS
UC Berkeley 2.9%-L&S EECS-4.5%
UC Davis No data but <20%
UC Irvine 5.8%
UCLA 3.8%
UC Merced 85%
UC Riverside 36%
UC San Diego No data but <10%
UC Santa Barbara No data Historically 5-6%
UC Santa Cruz 60%
Cal Poly SLO 9%
Cal State Long Beach 54%
San Diego State 40%
San Jose State 31%

So based on the little information given, below are my chances based on the CS major and some recommendations but only for UC’s and CSU’s. Many of the private schools may require SAT/ACT scores (especially if looking for FA/merit aid) so I will not list any until you give posters some guidance on your likes.

Likely: Your local CSU which would be Cal State Northridge along with any of the non-impacted CSU’s for CS from the chart which includes Channel Islands, San Francisco, Dominguez Hills, East Bay

Target: UC Merced (likely if ELC), Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Fresno

High Target/Low Reach: UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz, Cal State Long Beach, San Diego State, Cal Poly Pomona, UC Davis

Reach/High Reach: Cal Poly SLO, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, UCLA, UC Berkeley, San Jose State

My focus would be on the many wonderful CSU’s where you can get an excellent CS education at an affordable price. CS is a very marketable major and you do not need to attend a top school to be successful post graduation. I would also look into schools that have ABET accreditation for their CS program, although NOT required, it gives you an assurance that a program meets the quality standards that produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce.


For CIS, then some of the High Target/Low Reaches could be actual Target schools for example Cal Poly Pomona. CPP also considers your alternate major, so you could apply CS with an alternate of CIS. Only a few CSU’s will consider alternate majors and only some of the UC’s offer CIS but will consider alternate majors which are not impacted.

Please come back to update your GPA’s, EC’s, school preferences and budget. Best of luck with your college list.


In addition to the advice received above, I would urge you to remove the name of your high school to help maintain a degree of anonymity.


Thanks! Looks like it was already modified by someone. May be admin.

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I changed the name of the HS and just put the general area for reference.


Are you thinking of private colleges in CA or outside of CA - if so, which regions (PNW, Midwest…?)

Look seriously into Cal Poly Pomona and Cal poly Humboldt.

So far no plans to apply outside CA, public or private, unless there is a compelling reason like aid/tuition waiter/scholarship.

So considering only CA private colleges.

Cal Poly Pomona is in the plans along with 4 to 5 CSUs (SLO, LB, Fullerton, CSUN, etc.). Plan is to include where chances of getting into CS is relatively high.

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What is the budget/year? Will your family qualify for any need-based aid? And do you have any particular interests within CS (like AI, security, theory, etc)?

That will help in providing suggestions of schools where you would be likely to be accepted for CS that would be affordable for your family.

Thanks AstenNut.

No specific budget in mind. UCs and CSUs are within our budget with a bit of aid, especially UCs.

More interested in the Programming & Software Engineering side of CS.

4 Cal State campuses offer Software Engineering as a stand alone major vs. Computer Science. Usually SE is a slightly easier admit than CS with exceptions for Cal Poly SLO and San Jose State which are still highly competitive.

San Marcos and Cal Poly Humboldt are other 2 CSU campuses offering SE. San Marcos would be a good option as a Match school and Humboldt as a Very Likely/Safety.

Plan is to include where chances of getting into CS is relatively high.

Since you still have not have posted your 3 UC GPA’s nor your Capped weighted CSU GPA and SLO GPA, is still difficult to chance for CS other than using 3.73 UW and 3.92 Weighted GPA listed to give you an idea of the competitiveness of the CS major.

For the UC’s, UC Merced would be the most likely followed by UC Riverside and Santa Cruz. For the Cal states, other than Cal Poly SLO, Cal Poly Pomona, San Diego State, Cal State Long Beach and San Jose State, the rest of the CSU’s would be good options for CS with higher chances.

List of all CSU’s offering CS and CIS majors: Search Degrees | CSU

Have you run the Net Price Calculator for the UC’s and CSU’s to see if you qualify for any financial aid?

Here is the Preliminary summary of Freshman admissions and the UC Capped weighted GPA admit range for 2023:


Are there plans to take the SAT or ACT since some private schools may require these tests for admission and merit aid?


Thanks Gumbymom!
I will post the requested info soon.

What do you mean 3 UC GPAs?
The link you gave in your first provide UC GPA after translating HS GPA into UC GPA.
Within that I know there is capped GPA and uncapped. Since there are only 6 honors courses, so uncapped (max 8) does not apply in this case. So both capped and uncapped weighted GPA is same. Is the 3rd GPA is nothing, but Unweighted?

I will also post about ECs, etc.

This Rogerhub link below calculates the unweighted, capped weighted and Fully weighted UC GPA. All are reviewed during the application process. So in your case the Capped and Uncapped Fully weighted are the same GPA.

Capped weighted UC GPA is the 8 semester Honors cap and Fully weighted is unlimited semesters of honors points for approved courses taken 10-11th grades.

The Cal states only use the Capped weighted GPA (8 semesters of honors points) but they still look at the students overall courses to determine HS rigor.

Cal Poly SLO uses 9-11th a-g course grades with 8 semester Honors point cap in their GPA calculation, so you use the Rogerhub calculator and just add 9th grades to get the Weighted SLO GPA. Part of SLO’s application review includes bonus points for a-g courses taken above the minimum CSU requirements. The actual algorithm is no longer known but these are the number of years recommended to get maximum rigor points.

History/Social Science: 2 years (no rigor points historically)
English: 5 years
Math: 5 years
Lab Science: 4 years
FL: 4 years
VPA: 2 years
Electives: 1 year (no rigor points historically)


A student’s application is reviewed based on what is offered at their HS so 6 semesters of Honors courses can be on the lower side when applying especially to the UC’s but all depends upon what the HS has to offer, limitations on taking Honors/AP courses, how a student compares to their peers etc…

On the UC summary chart, you will see the # of Honors courses listed by campus for admitted students by campus. As I stated above, a Capped Weighted UC GPA below 4.0 will make the UC’s a tough admit for CS with the exception of UC Merced. UC Merced however has been the UC referral campus so definitely apply directly for the best chances.

I used this site (computer science open rankings) to look at some CS rankings where software engineering and programming languages were the only areas I selected.

I would take a look at these schools with respect to finding some strong programs that are likely to meet budget and be much likelier for acceptance.

  • U. of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • Iowa State
  • U. of Utah (a WUE school)

You may also want to check out:

  • U. of Arizona
  • U. of New Mexico (also a WUE school)
  • U. of Iowa

Thank you all.

Gumbymom and all,

My daughter created her own profile here and posted the same ‘Chance Me’ with more details you requested under id ‘Smadison.08’. I will also help her to post UC GPA, Cal Poly GPA, etc.

Appreciate you responding on that thread.


This is her daughter’s thread.