<p>Hi I actually ordered some of my textbook
i looked at the list from the bookstore online and was wondering about the recommened books</p>
<p>do we need the recommened books?
if its hard to say no, how about generally?</p>
<p>in specific, I will be taking cs 61a and one of the book, simply scheme, is listed as recommended
Anyone who took 61a, did you need simply scheme alot?</p>
<p>^ I’m taking CS 61A and I got both books. You don’t need simply scheme but the boom is a simple and easy way to get accustomed to the syntax and learn Or review cs concepts like recursion in the context of the sheme language. If you’re a pro programmer don’t buy it but I took ap comp sci and I still decided to buy it an found it useful reviewing concepts in the syntax of te scheme language since I’m. A java programmer. But I did this during the summer so since classes are starting it might be a waste since the req book teaches you all from simply scheme plus more</p>