About residence halls..

<p>hi i'm an international acceptee looking for a residence hall.
well i'm not that partygoer(though i'm sociable) and i just want to be in a friendly, quiet, supportive community and........ i hope my dorm will not be far from lecture halls or libraries.
also, i really wanna be in a SAFE place... i doubt about the safety of rutgers actually.</p>

<p>can you guys give me some advices or recommend a good place for me??
i've seriously considered douglass but someone says it's far from almost buildings. it that true?
btw how's livingston?</p>

<p>ps : i'm majoring in political science.</p>

<p>far from almost buildings? I don’t really know what that means. It’s far from busch and livingston, you could say. but you take the rex buses, the ride is about 15 minutes long, but they take breaks so I typically leave for my 10:20 class at like 9:50, get the bus at 9:55ish and I get to class 5 minutes earlier. </p>

<p>as an international student, you might want to look into the global villages. I’ve always felt safe on douglass.</p>

<p>Thank you. btw how’s livingston??
i heard that it’s the place for freshmen.</p>

<p>from what i’ve heard from friends, etc. the livingston frosh dorms tend to be a bit loud and crazy and whatnot. promiscuous sex happens quite often and there are parties in the quads. and the quads are known to be not very pleasant to live in (my friend has tiles for instance while i have the luxury of carpeting). you can read the other threads on what people have posted about livingston as well. the entire campus right now is a mess with muddy construction and whatnot. </p>

<p>from what you posted previously, i dont know if livingston would be a good fit for you. rutgers is actually quite safe, just be smart and cautious as you would anywhere else, that’s all.</p>