<p>I'm applying EA and judging by my last chances thread, most people on this forum think I'll get scholarship money to USD. When will I find out the scholarship I received? Will I find out in December when I get my acceptance decision or will it be later in the year when RD decisions come out?</p>
<p>Son received scholarship with admissions letter. If you don't get it then, you won't get it.</p>
<p>One thing to keep in mind - if you apply EA this year that the time frame can vary of being notified. One son received his packet the week before Christmas - but a family friend received his packet with scholarship in mid-February. Just depends on how many early applicants they get and can process. </p>
<p>Not everyone with equal stats gets the scholarship money there - better bet if you are in top 5% of your class with excellent stats.</p>
<p>Gender: M
High School: Public
High School Type: rarely sends grads to top schools</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.93
GPA - Weighted: 4.56
Class Rank: 4 out of 502
ACT: 29[R:33, W:29, M:27, S:27]</p>
Black Student Union, National Honor Society, Student Council, National Honor Society President, Black Student Union Vice-President, Staging Location Director for Barack Obama Campaign for Change Varsity Cross Country</p>
<p>Volunteer/Service Work: Barack Obama Campaign for Change, Various Charity Walks, Teens Against Tobacco Use, Unicef Trick-or-Treat for kids</p>
<p>Honors and Awards: Varsity Letter, Honor Roll, Junior Platinum Award, Outstanding French Student, Varsity Cross Country MVP, African-American Academic Recognition Award</p>
<p>I was pretty surprised that I received an award. I didn’t think my stats were that stellar. I got the Trustee’s Scholarship totaling $17,500 per year.</p>