About Scholarships from UM

<p>My acceptance letter stated that I will receive notice of academic scholarships by late March, and it's getting close to that time. I was looking at the President's Scholarship that they offer that ranges from 5,000 - 30,000. Since I did not receive any award letter with my acceptance, does this mean that I did not receive anything?</p>

<p>If that is not the case, the only aspect of my "resume", so to speak, that brings me down is my SAT score - does this mean I am automatically disqualified for this scholarship or will I merely receive a smaller scholarship because of it?</p>

<p>I figured I might as well ask on here while I'm at it! You may post if you've received scholarship money already and how much if you wish (:</p>

<p>My letter actually changed, first it said I had received a scholarship and the amount would be delivered at the end of March. That letter disappeared later in the day and was replaced with the one you got. I wouldn’t assume you didn’t get one, I’m fairly sure that all of the letters say the same thing. :)</p>

<p>@smokygiraffe i had the same thing with the letter change! do you know when they are coming out.</p>

<p>Somebody learned from his admin officer that it will come out next week…no idea though which day next week.</p>

<p>Just spoke to admissions. Scholarships have not gone out yet. I was told that they will go out within the next week or 2.</p>

<p>@wasatchskier… If they wait into April that would be really awful…</p>

<p>I have already gotten a $24K scholarship and an invite to interview for a full one.</p>

<p>@SurvivorFan I assume you were up for Singer/Stamps? Those scholarships did go out along with the invites but as far as I know, no other scholarships have been announced yet</p>

Yes, but I got a $24K scholarship in my acceptance letter and then heard that I was invited to Singer a week later.</p>

<p>^^ How (email, cane…) you get notified for Singer and when you suppose to go. Were you EA or RD…?</p>

<p>I’m in your exact position @QuillandScroll , in terms of potential scholarship money the only thing holding back are my SAT scores… I wish they gave more information about the leniency towards what they favor (rank/gpa/etc.) In addition, waiting until April to hear back is just brutal… </p>

<p>I was RD applicant and was notified via e-mail. It is April 4th and 5th. Good luck!</p>

<p>^^ Thanks, sons got 24K also as RD, but we still waiting for the Singer Invite…hopefully it comes next week. I</p>

<p>@NJkid609 I know, it’s very nerve-wracking :/</p>

<p>Hang in there. I just received a scholarship notice today (in my communication center) but was accepted RD two weeks ago. Weird after receiving the Scholarship notice, I checked my FA status online and still could not view my entire package. I’m grateful though.</p>

<p>@4Duflboiy Congrats! How much did you get, if I may ask?</p>

<p>@QuillandScroll 24K President’s Scholarship. Hope things work out for you too!</p>

<p>@4Duflboiy I’m in the same boat. I got a scholarship, but FA details are not up yet. I hope it’ll be up soon. </p>

<p>I think FA details will be posted once they finish the Singer weekend in first week of April.
If someone did not get Singer Invites then they might get FA earlier, Just my thoughts…</p>

<p>Called financial aid office today they said all packages for incoming freshman will be available by the end of this week or early next week. </p>