<p>I have talked to people and read the info in the website but I'm still confused about West Points admission process. </p>
1. How does the admission process actually work?
(From what I know you have to get nominated and you apply for West Point in like january)
2. When do you take the CFA?
(From what I know you can take it anytime but isn't it better to take it after you get ur nomination?)</p>
<p>Every bit of help would be greatly appreciated.</p>
<p>Pet3rxKP: First, I assume you are not a senior, at least I hope not! The first step is to go to the admissions page on the USMA homepage and start a prelim application. If you meet minimum standards, they will have you fill out the full application. It includes all the information you need. Most people begin this the summer before their senior year, although some start in the fall. You apply for the noms in the same manner: some in the summer some in the fall. You take the CFA either at Summer Seminar or with a coach, typically in the fall. Although you have til March to finish everything on the app, most try for earlier. Many already have appointments in hand by application deadline time. Most congresspeople have nomination deadlines in October/November. You cannot wait til January to do that. You might want to spend some time reading old admissions threads on this forum…the info is out there for you. I am not sure how this process has changed now that everything is computer-based.</p>