About the High School Class of 2021 category

Welcome to a brand-new space created exclusively for the high school class of 2021! Anyone can see these topics, but only group members may post or reply.

High school students who plan to graduate in 2021 can opt into the High School Class of 2021 group by clicking the “Join” button.

We ask that you follow this rule:

Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others. Members who post in a manner that makes other members unwelcome or uncomfortable, or who conduct themselves in a manner in any way detrimental to the College Confidential community, will lose posting privileges. Also, please do not use an offensive or inappropriate avatar image or user name; we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change any avatar or user name that we deem to be offensive or inappropriate.

Topics don’t need to be specifically about college admission. In fact we have many other forums where people who have been though this before can help. This category is specifically when you want to hear from other students.