About the relationship between recommendations and preferred major

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm currently a senior with a preferred college major of economics/business.
However, I am allowed 2 recommendations and I'm thinking of 1 from the teacher closest to me (no classes together but he teaches english) and 1 from my geography teacher.
I would want one from my economics teacher but 1 of them (I had two during high school) is known to be lazy and bad at writing recommendations, and the other one I don't know so well.
I heard from others that the geography teacher writes good recommendations, so I am thinking of letting her write my second one.
Do you guys think its a good idea? Is geography a core subject? Do you guys think I should deepen my relationship with my economics teacher and let her write my recommendation (for RD)? Will this effect my chances negatively in any way?</p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated,</p>
