about transfering to University of Miami

<p>I am still currently a high school student in New Jersey. I am graduating early, in January of 2011. For the past two semesters i have been attenting the community college as a non-accumulitive because inorder to be considered a credit student I would have to have already graduated from high school. By the time I am ready to go away to college I have over 30 college credits, the required amount to be considered a college sophmore. I have made sure that my credits are all transferable to the University of Miami.
My first question is, being that the deadline for the transfer application is March of 2011, and I will not have all of the credits yet, being that i plan to continue through the second semester and both summer session at the community college, how would I make that clear on my transfer application? I am also asking this because if a transfer has under 30 credits they are required to provide other forms in their application that transfer students over 30 credits do not have to provide. Should I still provide those forms being that at the deadline time I will not have reach the credit amount yet?
Also, after a transfer application is submitted, how long is the expected estimated time until one will recieve a reply disgussing the status of his/her application?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>As a parent, I’m wondering how you verified that your credits will all be transferable to UM? My daughter will have 6 AP courses complete a 3 courses that are Syracuse University related. I know the APs count , but what office (admissions?) would have the information about whether the SU courses are creditable?
Thanks and best wishes for your future.

<p>You apply based on the number of credits completed by the time of the application. If you will not have completed 30 credits by the date you apply, you need to apply as a freshman. </p>

<p>If you have fewer than 30 college credits at the time you apply, you must submit official high school transcripts, the Common Application Secondary School Final Report and SAT/ACT scores in addition to your core application documents.</p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Application Documents | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/index.php/ug/applying/transfer_application_documents/]Transfer”>http://www.miami.edu/index.php/ug/applying/transfer_application_documents/)</p>

<p>If you have any questions, call admissions. If they don’t have the answers, they can direct you to the proper department. Good luck to you both.</p>

<p>Just to add on to my-3-sons, even though you have to apply as a freshman, if you have 30 credits by the time you enter, you’ll be considered a sophomore.</p>