<p>I know there's nothing I can do at this point but this has been bothering me a little bit. I have a 760 CR and 640 Math on the SAT (2100 total). I've looked at many of the Middle 50% ranges for schools I'm applying to and very often it seems I'm below the 25% margin for Math, but at or above the 75% margin for CR. Will this be a big problem? At most of them, if I combine my Math and CR score I'm comfortably in the the right range, but I still can't shake the feeling that having such a low math score will hurt me a lot. My ACT composite is also above the 50% mark for most schools. Also, I'm majoring in either International Relations or Psychology, neither of which involve very much math. Obviously I know that having a low math score will make me less competitive than people that have a high one, but will the simple fact that I'm below the 25% mark have a huge impact on admissions?</p>
<p>If your desired major isn’t math heavy then I would say it is not too much of a problem.</p>
<p>Thanks thats good to hear!</p>
<p>What schools are you applying to?</p>
<p>Do those schools have you applying to a particular college within the univ?</p>
<p>I’m applying to Berkeley, UCLA, Brown, Georgetown, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern and Chicago. I’m applying to the Letters and Sciences college or whatever each particular university calls it, not an engineering college.</p>
<p>What if your major is math-heavy?</p>
<p>I would presume if one’s major was math heavy then a low score such as mine would definitely be a red flag in admissions. I was just wondering since I am definitely not going to have a math heavy major, if it would be as big of a deal.</p>
<p>Are you applying to any safeties, just in case things don’t work out with those schools?</p>
<p>Yes I’m applying to UT Austin as a safety and UCSD and Michigan as well.</p>
<p>Ok good. I was just curious. As for the original question, it depends on the school and the admissions officer reading your app and how they like your soft admissions factors. Just hope for the best. But don’t stress too much now because there’s nothing you can do. Just relax, do well right now in school for midyear reports, then enjoy your second semester (and be proud you did so well and made it through high school! lol).</p>